viiNi Posted September 5, 2014 Author Posted September 5, 2014 (edited) Hey Vini, Can you explain about creating a SH map in depth?I've always wanted to create one. So, All I have to do is make a map with borders and add several spawn points? Is that it?Yes it is that style, you can see this video, from you to get a good idea of how it is.50 spawnspoints are (i recomend)And when you finish the map you have to change the gamemode meta.xml "shooter" Edited October 10, 2015 by viiNi Quote
viiNi Posted September 5, 2014 Author Posted September 5, 2014 (edited) --- Tutorial MAP EDITOR --- Here is the link to the tutorial created by the MTA own team! Portuguese:ñol: Edited October 10, 2015 by viiNi Quote
viiNi Posted September 5, 2014 Author Posted September 5, 2014 --- How to change the skin of your map (CJ to another) --- Step 1. Go to your map folde, and open the meta.xml: Step 2. Search for this line:<setting name="#skins" value='[ "cj" ]'></setting>Step 3. Go to this page: And find the ID of your skin: I will use the 83 Step 4. Change "cj" to your ID:<setting name="#skins" value='[ "83" ]'></setting>Step 5. Finished, just save and exit. Quote
SkyBlue Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 Question: Can i change the skin of cj to another and set everybody in the race to CJ but with my own skin? Quote
viiNi Posted September 5, 2014 Author Posted September 5, 2014 Question: Can i change the skin of cj to another and set everybody in the race to CJ but with my own skin? Do not get it right, but I think this would be an answer:If you change the skin of CJ to another, all players will stay with this skin, exept those who bought skins! Quote
SkyBlue Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 (edited) Question: Can i change the skin of cj to another and set everybody in the race to CJ but with my own skin? Do not get it right, but I think this would be an answer:If you change the skin of CJ to another, all players will stay with this skin, exept those who bought skins! k then. do i have u added to skype or steam? i want to share u a map. are u this one? Edited September 5, 2014 by SkyBlue Quote
viiNi Posted September 5, 2014 Author Posted September 5, 2014 Question: Can i change the skin of cj to another and set everybody in the race to CJ but with my own skin? Do not get it right, but I think this would be an answer:If you change the skin of CJ to another, all players will stay with this skin, exept those who bought skins! k then. do i have u added to skype or steam? i want to share u a map. are u this one? lol, yes its me, but my old skype, i add you, send me Quote
SkyBlue Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 Question: Can i change the skin of cj to another and set everybody in the race to CJ but with my own skin? Do not get it right, but I think this would be an answer:If you change the skin of CJ to another, all players will stay with this skin, exept those who bought skins! k then. do i have u added to skype or steam? i want to share u a map. are u this one? lol, yes its me, but my old skype, i add you, send me add: jivo616 Quote
Guest AleksCore Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 (edited) SkyBlue, easier to get help from me right here. I rarely use Skype, apparently I forgot that you were asking me about this song script or I thought you must do it by yourself. Script (client-side, music.lua): P.S. meta.xml: <file src="song1_file_name.mp3"></file> <file src="song2_file_name.mp3"></file> <script src="music.lua" type="client"></script> Edited September 6, 2014 by AleksCore Quote
viiNi Posted September 6, 2014 Author Posted September 6, 2014 (edited) No more Action scripts on Mr. Grenn MTA --- How to Change The Color of Sky and Water When the Map Begins --- Edited November 14, 2015 by viiNi scrap and Ilyas Begzat 2 Quote
viiNi Posted September 6, 2014 Author Posted September 6, 2014 SkyBlue, easier to get help from me right here. I rarely use Skype, apparently I forgot that you were asking me about this song script or I thought you must do it by yourself. Script (client-side, music.lua): P.S. meta.xml: <file src="song1_file_name.mp3"></file> <file src="song2_file_name.mp3"></file> <script src="music.lua" type="client"></script> You will make a tutorial or i can make? Quote
viiNi Posted September 6, 2014 Author Posted September 6, 2014 Yes, you can, why notok thanks man, for you help! Quote
SkyBlue Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 SkyBlue, easier to get help from me right here. I rarely use Skype, apparently I forgot that you were asking me about this song script or I thought you must do it by yourself. Script (client-side, music.lua): P.S. meta.xml: <file src="song1_file_name.mp3"></file> <file src="song2_file_name.mp3"></file> <script src="music.lua" type="client"></script> k nice, but, where does the song changes from once to another touching a checkpoint? Quote
viiNi Posted September 6, 2014 Author Posted September 6, 2014 SkyBlue, easier to get help from me right here. I rarely use Skype, apparently I forgot that you were asking me about this song script or I thought you must do it by yourself. Script (client-side, music.lua): P.S. meta.xml: <file src="song1_file_name.mp3"></file> <file src="song2_file_name.mp3"></file> <script src="music.lua" type="client"></script> k nice, but, where does the song changes from once to another touching a checkpoint? i will make a tutorial.. wait pls Quote
viiNi Posted September 6, 2014 Author Posted September 6, 2014 (edited) --- Two Songs On The Same Map ---(Special thanks for Alexcore) Step 1. Download: 2. Copy this file and your 2 songs to your map folder (rename the songs music1 and music2, remember that the song has to be in .mp3 format), like this: Step 3. Add thes elines in your meta.xml:<file src="music1.mp3"></file><file src="music2.mp3"></file><script src="2music.lua" type="client"></script> Step 4. Now is the annoying part, We have to find the exact coordinate, where will be our marker that will change the music.I made a test map, and I'll put the music to change exactly on top of the race checkpoint. Open the 2music.lua, look to those lines lines:song_1_marker = createMarker(x, y, z, "type", size, r, g, b, a)song_2_marker = createMarker(x, y, z, "type", size, r, g, b, a)You will have to change "x, y, z, "type", size, r, g, b, a" , this is the creation of the marker through codes: (By MTA TEAM)x: A floating point number representing the X coordinate on the map.y: A floating point number representing the Y coordinate on the map.z: A floating point number representing the Z coordinate on the map. Type: The visual type of the marker to be created. Possible values:"checkpoint": A race checkpoint. These are very tall, but not infinite, light pillars. Checkpoints snap to ground and become invisible after going over a certain Z height."ring": Doughnut shaped ring, normally used for aircraft."cylinder": Small glowing ground ring. These are the glow markers you walk into to activate missions or events in single player."arrow": Arrow pointing down. These are the arrows on the doors you can enter in single player, except MTA's are not animated by default."corona": A glowing ball of light. size: The diameter of the marker to be created, in meters.(1.0, 2.0, 2,3, ... any number) r: An integer number representing the amount of red to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255).g: An integer number representing the amount of green to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255).b: An integer number representing the amount of blue to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255).a: An integer number representing the amount of alpha to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255 where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque).Well, as I want you to stay exactly the checkpoint of the map, I will use the coordinates of the checkpoint itself, then:- I will copy the coordinates of the chackpoint and paste on 2music.lua. Its to first song:Here the coordenaties of the markersong_1_marker = createMarker(2093.4697265625, -2559.2294921875, 12.590000152588, "type", size, r, g, b, a)Now the type:song_1_marker = createMarker(2093.4697265625, -2559.2294921875, 12.590000152588, "corona", size, r, g, b, a)Size:song_1_marker = createMarker(2093.4697265625, -2559.2294921875, 12.590000152588, "corona", 7.0, r, g, b, a)Color:song_1_marker = createMarker(2093.4697265625, -2559.2294921875, 12.590000152588, "corona", 7.0, 255, 0, 0, 255)Finished, now he already have the first marker... Now do the same for the second: song_2_marker = createMarker(1961.2705078125, -2554.7802734375, 12.590000152588, "corona", 7.0, 255, 0, 0, 255) Secound marker ok. Step 5. Find for these lines:song = playSound("song1_file_name.mp3", false) song = playSound("song2_file_name.mp3", false) Just change song1_file_name and song2_file_name, to music1 and music2. Step 6. Finished Will be like this when you finish:song_1_marker = createMarker(2093.4697265625, -2559.2294921875, 12.590000152588, "corona", 7.0, 255, 0, 0, 255) function play_song_1(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then setRadioChannel(0) song = playSound("music1.mp3", false) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", song_1_marker, play_song_1) song_2_marker = createMarker(1961.2705078125, -2554.7802734375, 12.590000152588, "corona", 7.0, 255, 0, 0, 255) function play_song_2(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then setRadioChannel(0) stopSound(song) song = playSound("music2.mp3", false) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", song_2_marker, play_song_2) Some screenshots: A little video showing how it works! Any questions? Ask! Edited September 6, 2014 by viiNi scrap 1 Quote
Guest AleksCore Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 (edited) About Two Songs Script and step 4. You can use my tool to do this step. P.S. good job viiNi Edited September 7, 2014 by AleksCore Quote
viiNi Posted September 7, 2014 Author Posted September 7, 2014 (edited) . Edited September 27, 2015 by viiNi Quote
viiNi Posted September 7, 2014 Author Posted September 7, 2014 (edited) ---- How to Remove All Poles of The Map ---- Step 1. Download: 2. Just copy the poles.lua to your map folderStep 3. Add this line in your meta.xml<script src"poles.lua" type="client" ></script> Edited September 7, 2014 by viiNi scrap 1 Quote
Borz Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 ~~Custom vehicles~~Step 1:download some Custom vehicles from heresome good small vehiclesstep 2:scripts addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() txd = engineLoadTXD ( "txd file name.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, vehicle id ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "ddf file name.dff", vehicle id )engineReplaceModel ( dff, vehicle id ) end )IDsHere or Herenow i will choose Cheetahthe script will be like this addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() txd = engineLoadTXD ( "Cheetah.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 415) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "Cheetah.dff", 415)engineReplaceModel ( dff, 415 ) end )Save your script file and put it in your map folder. For examle: Cheetah.lua or what you add this to meta.xml <script src="Cheetah.lua" type="client" /> the script you save it <file src="Cheetah.txd" /> txd file name<file src="Cheetah.dff" /> ddf file nameit have to be like thatthat's it you done viiNi 1 Quote
SkyBlue Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Hallo, hey guys i just want to suggest a subforum for this tutorials inside MTA forum, like Safehouse forum: Why this? Because Vini and the other guys are making a so good work with this tutorials but we keep commenting or putting stuff in the topic, also right now are only 3 pages but in a future will be a lot more of pages so we will need to search page per page a tutorial. awful With a Subforum we can make a better order and easier way to find tutorials, each tutorial will have it own topic so, each topic has: Tutorial + Questions from players to the tutorial maker, so why not? Just a suggestion... Quote
viiNi Posted September 10, 2014 Author Posted September 10, 2014 (edited) . Edited September 27, 2015 by viiNi Quote
SkyBlue Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Pinned is not better? and only contributors can comment? Pin the topic is the same as is now and if only contributor can comment then how i can ask u something about the tutorial? Quote
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