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Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial


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Posted (edited)

--- How to make a "TRIALS" map (Script)---

(Special thanks to FFS Team)



Step 1. Download (this is a blank map with the script).


Step 2. You have to open the MTA EDITOR and make your map.


Step 2.1. You will see that the map contains only one spawnpoint, you can change the spawn point, follow the steps below.


- First choose your place, and put any object.




- Copy the position X : For example -> 1736.33203125


- Open trials_client.lua and look for these lines.

local posX = 1958.1304931641local posY = nil



- Change local posX for the number that you copied. And save.


- Restart your MTA EDITOR.


Step 3. Finished.



Here a video that shows hot it work





by NITRO: Sorry for my terrible English :\

Edited by viiNi
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



1. Download the attached "MAPS SNOW.zip" file

2. Extract it somewhere (desktop preferable)

3. Put all files in your map's main folder

4. Open your "meta.xml" file and add these lines in the correct places :


Between <meta> and <info...> add the following lines-->

<file src="direction_image.png" />
<file src="direction_pointer.png" />
<file src="cursor.png" />
<file src="flakes/cartoon_tile.png" />
<file src="flakes/real_tile.png" />
<script src="snow_gui.lua" type="client" />
<script src="snow.lua" type="client" />
<script src="snow_s.lua" />
<export function="updateSnowType" type="client" />
<export function="updateSnowDensity" type="client" />
<export function="updateSnowWindDirection" type="client" />
<export function="updateSnowWindSpeed" type="client" />
<export function="updateSnowflakeSize" type="client" />
<export function="updateSnowJitter" type="client" />
<export function="startSnow" type="client" />
<export function="stopSnow" type="client" />
<export function="setGuiEnabled" type="client" />
<export function="setSnowToggle" type="client" />
<file src="smallnoise3d.dds" type="client" />
<file src="snow_ground.fx" type="client" />
<file src="snow_trees.fx" type="client" />
<file src="snow_naughty_trees.fx" type="client" />
<file src="mta-helper.fx" type="client" />

I've edited the original resource so that it just adds snow falling and makes textures white. For those who want the extra features of the resource, please go HERE and download original one from mta community. I think my tutorial is enough because I can't see somebody tinkering with /snowsettings while racing. Also /snow (used for on/off effect) will be kind of unfair as some players will play without snow and see objects more clearly than others. In my stripped down version, snow falls and nobody can stop that :)


EDIT : For those of you that don't want falling snow but just want white textures, go HERE.


Your meta.xml should look like this ->





Edited by MegasXLR
Posted (edited)

--- Best floors to SHOOTER MAPS ---

Here's a list of objects that I consider to be the best for floors of Shooter maps.


post-12121-0-82339300-1450835752.png post-12121-0-08602200-1450835754.png post-12121-0-69555600-1450835754.png post-12121-0-71589400-1450835755.png post-12121-0-75986500-1450835756.png post-12121-0-73743200-1450835757.png post-12121-0-79521600-1450835758.png post-12121-0-71638300-1450835759.png post-12121-0-38289300-1450835760.png post-12121-0-20671400-1450835761.png


Any suggestions that I might include here to help other mappers friends?

Edited by viiNi

On request of vinii, i'll try to post some tutorials here.

Here it goes.



Replace textures without using .txd (by using normal shaders with .jpg/.png etc)


You can use shaders to replace textures, this way you have no need to mess with .txd files, and can easilly change the texture by editing a few lines of code.

In this tutorial we will go over how i add it to maps.


Once you have made your map and found a texture you want to replace, jump to step 1. 



Step 1: Getting the texture's name


First of all, you need a way to get texture names. You can achieve this by using the resource "shader_tex_names", wich you can download here. (direct link)


Once you have downloaded it, unzip it, put it in your resource folder and while ingame  /refresh and /start shader_tex_names.


After that, press num_8 to view the list of visible textures, it should look something like this: post-10262-0-97265000-1450999238_thumb.p


If your list is very long, try to position your screen so that there are as least as possible objects in your view.



To find your texture, navigate the list with num_7 and num_9, the texture you selected will light up in different colors.

I have found the texture for my roads:




Now that you've got your texture name, press K to copy it to clipboard, and save it for later.



Step 2: Adding the script and image to your map


I have made a zip file with all the files needed to replace.



Unzip the file, within it you will see the example texture, the script and the fx file.

Add these to the root of your map folder.


Once you've done that, open your meta.xml and add these lines one line under <meta>

If you have changed your texture image, replace it with "texture.jpg"

    <script src="replacetexture.lua" type="client"></script>    <file src="texture.jpg"/>    <file src="texture.fx" />

If youre using another image, replace it with "texture.jpg".


Save your meta.xml file, and open replacetexture.lua.

I have added comments to the script to make it more understandable, but the script is pretty simple.


If you are using another image, replace "texture.jpg" with your own image file path, so if your image is called myImage.jpg, replace "texture.jpg" with "myImage.jpg". Don't forget to add the proper path.


When you have done these things, restart your map. If you did everything correct the textures should be replaced with your image.

Texture end result:





  • .bmp, .dds, .jpg, .png, and .tga images are supported
  • Take a look here if you want more options on how the texture looks
  • When choosing your image, keep the file size low!
  • You can search online for "seamless textures" to find textures that will look nice
  • If something is not working, try to look for errors with the command /debugscript 3


If you have any questions, feel free to ask or PM me.



It worked!




I needed to change the "replacetexture.lua" right in these lines:

	engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "cos_hiwaymid_256" )	engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "metal1_128" ) 	engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "metalox64" )

Some questions that i think It can help other mappers:


Here is where I have to paste the name that I copied right?


The resource SHADER_TEX_NAMES It is used only to find the correct name of the objects? Right?


What is a .FX file? 


Are shaders LOCAL or SERVER?


Thanks Kali


It worked!




I needed to change the "replacetexture.lua" right in these lines:

	engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "cos_hiwaymid_256" )	engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "metal1_128" ) 	engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "metalox64" )

Some questions that i think It can help other mappers:


Here is where I have to paste the name that I copied right?


The resource SHADER_TEX_NAMES It is used only to find the correct name of the objects? Right?


What is a .FX file? 


Are shaders LOCAL or SERVER?


Thanks Kali

1. Yes, it's only used to find the right texture names.

2. Yes

3. 4.


Correct, correct, FX is a shader file (not Lua) and shaders are completely local






So what's the benefit of using shaders rather than .txd? I don't think the .txd way is hard at all but will use shaders if positives are good enough to switch to it.

It's more dynamic, and works on any texture (as far as i know), without needing to find the txd file and replace it.

The same method is used for custom paintjobs.

Posted (edited)
~>> GameOver sound when a Player dies <<~



This script adds a song to "gameover" when the player dies in a map, it can be used in several different game modes and maps



It also works in different game modes like DD, SH, RACE, among others.







2º - Extract the file "wasted.lua" and "wasted.mp3" inside the folder of your map



3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:



    <script type="client" src="wasted.lua" />
    <file src="wasted.mp3" />







4º - To change the sound of GameOver simply put an mp3 file with the name "wasted.mp3" in place of the old ( preferably a short file with 5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec max)







5º - I'm going to leave here all the Horns of MrGreen for download





Final Result




Edited by NITROX

lol i came here because i thought i will get their adress rofl







by NITRO: Sorry for my terrible English :\




vinicius, vinicius ... acho que você não consegue viver sem mim 



  • 2 months later...
On 25/12/2015 at 10:29 PM, KaliBwoy said:

On request of vinii, i'll try to post some tutorials here.

Here it goes.



Replace textures without using .txd (by using normal shaders with .jpg/.png etc)



Step 2: Adding the script and image to your map


I have made a zip file with all the files needed to replace.




Fixed link: replacetexture.zip


Hey guys, can somebody give me a list with all gta sa billboards ids and similar objects on which i can put custom image? I don't want to use custom objects but just change image which is ontop of the billboard. Thanks in advance :) PS I'll make a map with lotta singers, actors etc on those billboards ;p

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, MegasXLR said:

Hey guys, can somebody give me a list with all gta sa billboards ids and similar objects on which i can put custom image? I don't want to use custom objects but just change image which is ontop of the billboard. Thanks in advance :) PS I'll make a map with lotta singers, actors etc on those billboards ;p

Hey, you have to test all of them.
May this link can help you.



Edited by viiNi
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
~>> Create a server to test your maps with the gamemodes of mrgreen <<~


1º - Download the folder and Notepad++:

Notepad++: DOWNLOAD


2º -  Install Notepad++ on your computer and unzip the folder "By #NITRO" somewhere on your computer (preferably the desktop)


3º - Open the folder "By #NITRO" and go to: By #NITRO >> server > > mods > > deathmatch




4º - Open the file "acl.xml" using Notepad++




5º - Search for a line called "<group name="Admin">"


6º - There will be another line underneath called "<object name="user.12345"></object>", where it says "12345" you should put a note of user that you want to use as an administrator on your server

Or if you prefer, you can leave this


7º - After you have made your changes, click on the little blue box at the top to save your changes


8º - Now you must go in "By #NITRO >> server" and run the program "MTA Server.exe" if he ask for any permission then you must allow 




9º - A small dark screen will open on your computer, leave it running, because it is responsible for making the server running on your computer



10º - On this screen the server will start to be loaded, this may take a maximum of 5 minutes, when written "Querying MTA master server ... success!" then the be server ready 




11º - Now open your MTA and go to the tab "Local / Location" and be it the server, now in between him and wait until all files are loaded 




12º - When you're inside the server, press "T" and type /register and then place the username that you wrote in the acl.xml and then put an easy-to-remember password:

EXAMPLE:  /register 12345 ELECTRO


Appeared a message saying "You have successfully registered! Username: 'xxxxx', Password: ' xxxxxxx ' (Remember it)"




13º - Now click on the button "T" and type /login and then your user name and your password that you just registered: 

EXAMPLE: /login 12345 ELECTRO


A message will appear saying "Press 'p' to open your admin panel" and "login: You successfully logged in"



14º - Now press "p" and have access to the admin panel

15º - To add your maps, go in the directory "By #NITRO > > server > > mods > > deathmatch > > resources > > [maps]", and add your maps in place




16º - Now go to your server and press "T" and type "/refresh"


17º - There is a problem that makes the songs on the maps do not touch when the map the race starts, to fix this you must go on: F1 > > Settings > > Sound Settings, and change the volume where it says "Map Music Volume" placing of 90 to 100%



Edited by NITROX
download link fixed
  • 3 months later...


So the following script will make players receive a chatbox message when they type /like or /dislike.

Put this code into a rate.lua file :

function like (player)
    outputChatBox("this text shows when a player likes your map",player,255,255,255,true)
addCommandHandler ( "like", like )

function dislike (player)
    outputChatBox("and this shows when a player dislikes your map",player,255,255,255,true)
addCommandHandler ( "dislike", dislike )

Move the rate.lua file into your map's main folder

Now add this line in your map's meta.xml and save it

<script src="rate.lua" type="server" />

That's it! Now when a player rates your map he'll receive the custom message from the rank.lua file!

  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, MegasXLR said:


Put the following into a sky.lua file :

function yo()
setSkyGradient ( math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255), math.random (0,255) )
setTimer ( yo, 100, 0 )

You can change the number 100 in last line to whatever you like. 100=100milliseconds, if you want to make colour switching slower put higher number here.

Now to make the above script work, move the created sky.lua to your map's main folder and add this to your meta.xml :

<script src="sky.lua" type="client" />

You're done, you should now see random colours flashing in the sky when you start your map!



24. Sky changing colors NITRO pg.4



I believe it is the same, if you want even has a video of the final result


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