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Mr. Green Gaming



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Thank you all, I generally had a good time. Until the day that "Neox." decided to spoil myself existence.

He know that my English is not very good, because most of the time I use the Google translator.
He decided to laugh at this, I do not have a powerful internet, or a good computer.
I also insulted. But it don't admits. That's not all.
I know that "Warp." says my maps are crap and possibly other admins I also laugh from me, all this behind me, without me knowing.
If my maps are wrong, go on to say that they are crap as good admin, could you tell me what has errors. But now all this because to me indifferent.
I can only say that because I was banned, I can not play more on this server, I say goodbye to everyone and that this server is a very entertaining and fun, and thanks for everything.
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This time you seem more respectful though it won't change my idea.


I probably remember the day when I brought you here, in this game, specifically those amazing servers. You were growing your knowledge about all the stuff in the game, you were starting choosing the correct way. You kept going by yourself, sometimes with my help, of course. Stop it here, neox, please. After you knew everything about this, with friends and people playing, you've started to fall, or you've decided to? You've started to create maps, however, everyone begins with basic knowledge, when you were done with your maps, you've uploaded them here. You thought that this was upload my map here and automatically gets in server. No, it doesn't happen. warp, the principally and most active uploader doesn't upload maps every day or often as we can see. Sometimes you PMed me about 'hey, where's my maps?' - warp should upload them, wait. 'wait what, he must always upload the maps, (some random day I remember)he's dumb.' You were starting to think what you shouldn't have to be, sometimes, you were irritating me, even other admins. I really wasn't worried about this claptrap, with your typical 's*ck my dick', 'stupid', 'worst admin ever', 'you suck', 'eat my balls (today)'. As the days were passing, you kept the same story in your mind, your pointless insults and other pointless suff.

March, 29th 2015, 17.42 (5.42 PM), I've banned you for the first time, reasonYou were touching my balls pretty much, I've decided to ban you for 12 hours though you've wished me the death, and other insults. I think, there's a lot of insults like 'f*ck you', 'motherf*cker', 'assh*le', inter alia, but I really don't want anyone who wishes the death to others. I've never insulted you without reasons, keep it in your mind, even those insults weren't going so far as I said, never used worst insults, and as I told you, you did something worse than insult, I won't forgive you in any future, you'll keep banned forever, hope the best in your future with other stuff or something, I'm not using sarcasm, all sarcasm I use is basically for 'pointless' things, goodbye.

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I'm freaking out. Seriously? All that you said was ... seriously? WOW

Only dare to explain what I have done, what I have said or other things absurd nonsense. But why not tell all that you have done? I honestly do not waste time writing down what you made me. It is a waste of time. But I just put the blame on me, do not you realize? Now, after everything you do and everything you say, I want to insult you, but do not consider it to be the suitable place. Well, why not tell your fellow managers also all that you have made me? If you really telling me that ALL the fact that you can get the position of administrator. I have not come here to hurt, not like you.

You're always in front of me laugh all, often insulting me, or sometimes not mere insult, say things with such respect, both offensive then say that it is an insult and think everything is fixed . NO. This was not the case. And as you are administrators I can not do anything about it. Well, that's what you think, you may not be able to do anything on this forum or on the server, but I warn you that if in real life, so watch out for those who insult or misconduct respect. I like that suposu you, I am a person, and there are certain things that can not tolerate, because I have feelings, and corrupted them to me.


And maps ... hmmmm ... interesting subject, you have also been laughing about this, do you think that life is a joke? Always laugh all. Mature guy. I have the same right as you to create and upload maps, although if they are not hanging, I have no problem. But what bothers me is that I disrespected this way, so much so that I explode, so I say everything I said.

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All the respect from my part, but I can't understand you, maybe you had some troubles translating my message to you or you basically used translator for every single word. It's a game, whenever you're in a game don't ever wish things that won't be unforgotten and unforgiven in real life, though I haven't insulted you with such disrespectful things as you told me I did, and what you actually did. I'm not laughing this time, and I've stopped long ago, if you really give a fuck when I tell you 'ur potato internet', don't discuss about this anymore, a lot of people long ago were telling me 'ur big potato PC', and I had fun instead of thinking crap my mind and take this as an insult, even I 'laughed' because you don't have video card, some minutes before you called me lagger running at 50 FPS / 47 ping while your FPS were fucked up and your ping surpassing 100. Somehow, I'm gonna tell you that all the blames against you weren't told without reason, they actually were, and you've won those blames.

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The only thing I have to say is that I've always admitted that you have some reason, most of the things they said I did, except say "lager" and you complain much about how my you said. I have always supported all the things I've done, but remember yesterday when we were talking about it, you could not stop laughing. At most, they have not yet admitted that part of the blame on everything that has happened. You said things to me that I have not said that taking offensively, and in a situation like that I hoped it would do? Get in my situation. At most, you have not talked about all the other things you said or did.

And now I will say that so well understood. (In catalan)


Tu i jo erem amics, podriem dir que haviem dit que erem millors amics, i nomès per un joc ha acabat la nostra amistat, tot perquè vas començar a pasar de mi, contestar-me malament i et vas posar "borde". Jo no entenia perquè, quina manera vaig pensar en animar-te en que em parlessis, o parléssim sobre alguna cosa, tots dos. Vaig pensar en dir que eres un mal admin, i en posar-me aquell nick per cridar la teva atenció. I tu el que vas fer va ser "kickear-me", vaig treure'm el nom ofensiu, i et vaig dir alguna cosa més. Just després em vas banejar la IP 12 hores.

Quan em vaig toranr a connectar, no et vaig dir res, no m'havia agradat gens el que vas fer. I vaig tirar algunes indirectes NO OFENSIVES, com karma is coming, tu vas saltar, vas riure't de mi, vas insultar-me, que esperaves que fes? Doncs defensar-me. Em vas banejar permanentment.


Respon-me una cosa si us plau, creus que si jo fós admin, y tu no, i hagués passat tot això a l'inrevés, tagues banejat permanentment? Creus que no tenia en compte que erem amics? Creus que tot això ho hagués fet amb una altra persona?

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