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Mr. Green Gaming

OmeGabor's admin application on ZS:Onslaught


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Gameserver:  Zombie Onslaught

Age: 30

Country of origin: Hungary

Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197986515640

Minecraft name **:

Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

I'm steam member since 2006 dec. I have many experince with the server and player handling. In HL2dm (similar gamestyle as at the gmod) i had many request in the past years to server configurating with sourcemod and mani admin (as ingame and server admin). I like to play on MrGreen server (and only here). An admin application make the fun much better, but only if need to use.

Sometimes need to moderating some players ingame (because their behavior), and handling the server if there are no players (example map change to a better known map).

I like the clear gameplay without game ruiner players, and i NEVER do a ragequit on this server since i play here (that's not my style, if i began a round i play it done without sudden quit or other reasons - except if i have important things in the real life )

The most loved and played ZS server where i played in the past and future.

I'm an old fag (like a 30 years zombie meat), but this server everytime gives me good old memories ! And our fast, present days, these little things (joke,fun) very importants with many awesome players.




  • Greens

Best of luck, but the server will not require admins most likely until it actually has players. 

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