Arstek Posted November 14, 2015 Posted November 14, 2015 (edited) To be honest, its too late for easter countries. Only mono-ethnic country as Poland will avoid that mess. What do you think, why those refugees avoid wide arc my country. Its not about that others liberalists offerts more money. Its because on our border and inside the country stands Pole with flag and with slogan " Poland for Poles, Poles for Poland " Nationalism is the hope of Europe. " On the trees instead of leaves will hang communists " Edited November 14, 2015 by Arstek
StartsevaRUS Posted November 14, 2015 Author Posted November 14, 2015 Ppl like me will bring civil war in europe? What the fuck XDDDD By your thinking Poland should not exist... and btw RIP europe with itNo one forced EU to let flood their countries with biiig amount of people with absolutely different worldview and culture. Multiculturalism is not working. It had many examples in history before. For now you have to deal with it and look in the future, you should think how you gonna live with these people. Terrorists has nothing about Islam itself, terrorism it's political ideology and fighting for people minds covering by Islam. Any other thoughts on it is criminal confusing which can cause awful consequences for Europe.Terrorists don't care about who the hell you are. They will kill anyone who disagree with them. Woman, 12-years old kid, any other civilian, muslim, christian, American, Croatian, Russia, Italian... that doesn't matter. Islamic radicalism is a threat not only to the world, it's threat to the Islam. It has nothing in common with it, will repeat again. Because in people's mind forming falce image of Islam. Forming? Wrong. Already formed... What terrorists are trying to do by these attacks? They want to change the mood in the society. They want to make it as much as possible islamophobic. They want to provoke big anti-Islamic movements and the victory of right-wing parties. Why? To gain over as much as possible ordinary non-radical Muslims on their side saying look, Europeans are fighting Islam, time to protect it! Why France? France were not bombing ISIS much. Just because in France the biggest muslim society in EU and the biggest percent of these who got their sympathies for the radical Islam, millions of them. France is under attack because it's the best way to blow up a real war in Europe. If it's now war ''everyone vs terrorism'', it can turn into ''muslims vs europeans/christians''. The worst predictions are coming true step by step. And the way to prevent it is to support classic Islam.
StartsevaRUS Posted November 14, 2015 Author Posted November 14, 2015 (edited) To be honest, its too late for easter countries. Only mono-ethnic country as Poland will avoid that mess. What do you think, why those refugees avoid wide arc my country. Its not about that others liberalists offerts more money. Its because on our border and inside the country stands Pole with flag and with slogan " Poland for Poles, Poles for Poland " Nationalism is the hope of Europe. " On the trees instead of leaves will hang communists "That is why I love slavic states. I support ''healthy nationalism''.Who sees danger in refudgees? Not only extreme right-wing forces or the Nazis, right? This is happening mainly in Slavic states who just seek to preserve their national and cultural identity. They understand, that implementation of peope in huge amount with new culture and religion killing the indentify of their country. When something new are introduced, cultural boundaries are erasing. Taking a walk on some of the streets of France, it feels like that you are in Kabul. Only migrants from the Third World! With the baby carriages, with their families... for me, its scary. For human, non-French, just who love France (history, literature, HUMOR, and Louis de Funes <3 :DDD). It's fucking France! A country with a centuries-old Catholic culture... and what is happening now? It will be never the same. Fucking scrapyard. Not talking about Berlin and London... the cities with great history and culture drowned themselves into shit. Have nothing against about migrants in limited amounts. But to open boarders to everyone is selfkilling. Edited November 14, 2015 by StartsevaRUS
Arstek Posted November 14, 2015 Posted November 14, 2015 (edited) I was in Manchester couple months ago and i know what you talk about. I felt like i'm not in UK, more like Damascus..I was dressed in tracksuit + hood, (like mostly polish guy does) and when some muslims passed me on the street, his face was like 'OMG i'll stay back from him' XD Its happening here (uk), in germany and as you know in france. Goverments of these countries takes full responsibility of this tragedy. Now they have their 'womens and kids runing from war'. Edited November 14, 2015 by Arstek
Cena Posted November 14, 2015 Posted November 14, 2015 (edited) Hahahaha nice one xD (don't take my comment to serious )Btw if you guys really think Muslims to blame then Israel are bombing Palestine since 1948 xD and no1 talking about it Edited November 14, 2015 by Cena
Reiska Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 (edited) The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter. Edited November 15, 2015 by Reiska Quad_Tube and CRYOSPHERE 2
Cena Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 Reiska, the link that you posted is blocked and I couldn't open it which means this link is against Islam lol You can't just go to websites that are against Islam and take resources from there xD
Reiska Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 Reiska, the link that you posted is blocked and I couldn't open it which means this link is against Islam lol You can't just go to websites that are against Islam and take resources from there xD Who says I cant? Allah? The goverment? You? I look at the facts and come to the conclusion that muslim religion especially has all the elelments to radicalize its believer to do irrational things, I refuse to believe in a make believe land thinking that all humans somehow share the same world view and live happily ever after. I wonder how many unspeakable things have to happen before the bubble bursts around people and they stop their naivistic thinking CRYOSPHERE and Berg 2
Arstek Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 nuke 'emAgree, nuke them all - problem solved
Cena Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 Reiska, the link that you posted is blocked and I couldn't open it which means this link is against Islam lol You can't just go to websites that are against Islam and take resources from there xD Who says I cant? Allah? The goverment? You? I look at the facts and come to the conclusion that muslim religion especially has all the elelments to radicalize its believer to do irrational things, I refuse to believe in a make believe land thinking that all humans somehow share the same world view and live happily ever after. I wonder how many unspeakable things have to happen before the bubble bursts around people and they stop their naivistic thinkingNo one said that but some logic xD If you just go to Websites that are against Islam they will surely talk shit about it lol MoroGUY, Love A and I are Muslims and we say that its not true what you say and you still prefer websites that are made by non-muslims in which he talks shit about Islam. Anyway I'm not gonna judge the way of your thinking because honestly idc. ISIS didn't bomb Paris only. ISIS are attacking Muslim countries as well. Iraq and now Syria. So how a Muslim would attack a Muslim in the name of God. ISIS are totally bullshit I do think they are terrorists and call themselves Muslims.
wooozie Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 poor people of korea and vietnam got bombed with napalm, europe had a shitty whole 20th century and now the muzzies get a free pass? its sickening. destroy a few cities in the middle east and see how they like it. CRYOSPHERE 1
Cena Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 poor people of korea and vietnam got bombed with napalm, europe had a shitty whole 20th century and now the muzzies get a free pass? its sickening. destroy a few cities in the middle east and see how they like it.Syria, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Yamen...etc and too many other Muslim countries are are destroyed, not only a city. Countries are totally destroyed. Egypt still kinda little bit safe but there are still terror attacks in it and ofc you guys never heard of any of it. Thanks to the media. When anything happens to us media doesn't even say anything about it unlike like what happened in Paris. There was a Muslim girl killed in UK by a British guy because she were wearing Hijab wtf is this? Other thing you guys probably don't know, 3 Muslims (1 guy and 2 girls) were killed in US by a "Drunk" American guy? Seriously? And then I'm not blaming anyone, I got Non-Muslims friends in real life and we are enjoying hanging out together. Just stop being racist guys. You can't just blame all Muslims because of some terrorist groups.
jack123 Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 why killed Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi? where democracy in Iraq.Libya and ...
Maher Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 Simply no one can complain about war in 1948 Between Israel and Palestine!Hope you all will read it Who is Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him?من هو محمّد، صل الله عليه وسلّم؟He is the one who defended the rights of all humanity 1400 years ago.هو الذي دافع عن حقوق كل البشر منذ 1400 عام.He defended men's, women's and children rightsحفظ حقوق الرجال وحقوق النساء وحقوق الصغارHe commanded and fostered the love between relatives and neighborsأمر بالحب والود بين الأقارب والجيرانHe established a coexistence relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslimsوأسس علاقة تعايش بين المسلمين وغير المسلمينHe organized the relationship between the members of the family putting duties on sons and daughters towards the parentsونظم العلاقات الأسرية التي تضمن للأب وللأم حقوق كبيرة وعظيمة على أبنائهمHe fought injustice, called for justice, love, unity and cooperation for the good.منع الظلم ودعا للعدل و المحبة والتكاتف والتعاون للخيرHe called for helping the needy, visiting the patients, love and exchanging advises between people.دعا لمساعدة المحتاج وزيارة المريض والمحبة والتناصح بين الناسHe prohibited (by orders from God) bad manners such as stealing, lying, torturing and murdering.منع على المسلمين المعاملات السيئة مثل السرقة والغش والقتل والظلمHe is the one who changed our lives and manners to be better.إنه من غير حياتنا وطباعنا السيئة إلى حسنةA Muslim doesn't stealالمسلم .. لا يسرقA Muslim doesn't lieالمسلم لا يكذبA Muslim doesn't drink alcohol.المسلم لا يشرب الخمرA Muslim doesn't commit adulteryالمسلم لا يزنىA Muslim doesn't cheatالمسلم لا يغشA Muslim doesn't kill innocent peopleالمسلم لا يقتل الأبرياءA Muslim doesn't harm his neighborsالمسلم لا يؤذي جارةA Muslim obeys his parents and helps themالمسلم يبر بوالديه و يخدمهماA Muslim is kind to young and elderly people, to women and to weak people.المسلم يعطف على الصغار وعلى النساء وعلى الضعفاء وكبار السنA Muslim doesn't torture humans or even animals, and does not harm treesالمسلم لا يعذب البشر ولا الحيوانات ولا يؤذي الأشجارA Muslim loves his wife and takes care of his children and show mercy towards them until the last day of his life.المسلم يرحم ويحب زوجته ويهتم و يعطف عل أبناءه حتى آخر يوم من عمرهA Muslim's relationship towards his children never stops even when they become adultsالمسلم لا تنتهي علاقته بأولاده بعد سن الرشد أبداHe is Muhammad (PBUH)إنه محمد رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلمDid you know why all Muslims love Muhammad (PBUH)?هل عرفتم لماذا يحب كل المسلمون محمد صل الله عليه وسلم؟Did you know what does Muhammad mean for Muslims?هل عرفتم ماذا يعنى محمد صل الله عليه وسلم للمسلمين؟Every Muslim loves Muhammad (peace be upon him) more than himself and more than everything in his life.كل مسلم يحب محمد صل الله عليه وسلم أكثر من كل شئBefore judging a Muslim be fair and:قبل أن تحكم علي أي مسلم كن محايد:1-Listen to this person, and watch his doings.1- أسمع منه هو شخصياً ، أستمع الي أفكاره ومعتقداته ولاحظ أفعله.2-Compare his ideas and teachings with what is Islam and Prophet Mohammad PBUH ordered.2-قم بمقارنة أفكاره ومعتقداته بما دعا له الإسلام.3-If you think that his thoughts are typical to that of Islam and Prophet Mohammad PBUH, and then compare them with his doings; is he applying these teachings?3- إذا تطابقت أفكاره ومعتقداته مع ما دعا له الإسلام فأنظر إلي أفعاله، هل هي متطابقة مع أفكاره ومعتقداته؟4-If he is applying these teachings and sayings, so for sure represents Islam, if not then he calls himself a Muslim but doesn't represent Islam.4- إذا كانت أفعاله تطابق أفكاره ومعتقداته فهو يمثل الإسلام، إذا كانت تتناقض فهو يدعي أنه مسلم ولكن لا يمثل الإسلامHint: Prophet Mohammad is the best Muslim, no Muslim can be as perfect as he was, Muslims try their best to be the typical Muslim like Prophet Mohammad PBUH but sometimes they disobey God and Prophet Mohammad PBUH as they are normal humans who are subject to do wrong but the repent and get back to the right path.ملحوظة: محمّد صل الله عليه وسلم هو أفضل مسلم، لا يمكن لأي مسلم أن يكون في كماله ولكن المسلمون يبذلون قصاري جهدهم ليكونوا المسلم المثالي الذي رأوه في محمد صل الله عليه وسلم، أحياناً يعصون الله ورسول الله محمد لأنهم بشر معرضون للخطأ ولكنهم يتوبون ويعودون للطريق الصحيح.“Whosoever kills an innocent person, it shall be as if he has killed all of humanity, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all humanity”. QURAN 5:32"مَنْ قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيْعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيْعًا " سورة المائدة - الآية ٣٢#MuslimsAreNotTerroristاحبك ربىi love allah
Arstek Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 I heard that muslim girl from Egipt cant even talk with other guys. She just doesnt have rights to. 25 years old girl who dont know what even kiss is? Or better, 12 years old child gets married with almost 30y old guy because her familly wanted it? Thats fking madness, its just pedophilia!
wooozie Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 defend the followers of the death cult and youre as guilty. Reiska and CRYOSPHERE 2
Maher Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 (edited) Terrorist means a Muslim who kills people, hope the world someday will understand.Also If a muslim kills people means he isn't a real muslim as how i said Edited November 15, 2015 by CHEATERsSon
neox. Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 All problems are caused by religion. What if whole world would believe in science? Then people wouldn't be thinking of thousands of years ago, believe in now, not in the past that has to affect the future, past is past, keep the 'revenge' in your countries and let's be humans, not animals fighting for survival.. Berg and CRYOSPHERE 2
Cena Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 I heard that muslim girl from Egipt cant even talk with other guys. She just doesnt have rights to. 25 years old girl who dont know what even kiss is? Or better, 12 years old child gets married with almost 30y old guy because her familly wanted it? Thats fking madness, its just pedophilia!I'm Egyptian and I never ever heard of something like this :s
Bob_Taylor Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 I heard that muslim girl from Egipt cant even talk with other guys. She just doesnt have rights to. 25 years old girl who dont know what even kiss is? Or better, 12 years old child gets married with almost 30y old guy because her familly wanted it? Thats fking madness, its just pedophilia!well i agree on this, not always 12 years old but they are forced by family, i have heard about it a lot of times.
Cena Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 (edited) I heard that muslim girl from Egipt cant even talk with other guys. She just doesnt have rights to. 25 years old girl who dont know what even kiss is? Or better, 12 years old child gets married with almost 30y old guy because her familly wanted it? Thats fking madness, its just pedophilia!well i agree on this, not always 12 years old but they are forced by family, i have heard about it a lot of times.No no, you do not get it right, when someone wants marry a girl parents agreement is needed, not being forced by family, there is a difference lol Edited November 15, 2015 by Cena
Arstek Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 But making from young girl a slave ? come on... this is pathetic
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