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qReW Moderator Application


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30 minutes ago, safrague16 said:

Gameserver: MTA MIX / Race

Edad: 21

País de origen: TURQUÍA

Enlace al perfil de la comunidad Steam *: N / A

Nombre de la discordia **: N / A

Nombre de la partida: qReW

Poco sobre usted y por qué cree que es apto para ser administrador:

Hola, mi nombre es İlyas y mi objetivo como asistente de mapas o moderador, en primer lugar, mi objetivo es convertirme en moderador.
Especialmente cuando hay problemas menores en la noche, cuando el gerente no está en el juego.
Ejemplo; A veces, el jugador "PİNG" y "FPS" no cambia, Normal y "Timeout" se emite y se descarta del servidor. 
Pero a veces no es así. Y ese jugador, siempre termina primero.
Cuando es de noche, la mayoría de los ejecutivos no están en el juego y este es realmente un gran problema.
Noté una cosa más, el administrador turco no tiene para "MÉX", solo hay uno en la carrera, esa persona el Sr. Semert.
 Paso al menos 5 6 horas cada día en el juego, y desde 2010 casi he jugado como 10-15 servidores diferentes, conozco muy bien todos los modos, especialmente DM / OLDSCHOOLDM / RTF y RACE / NTS
Todos sabemos que el turco los jugadores no entienden las palabras, y algunos jugadores agresivos insultan, spam, bloquean y hacen cosas como esas.
Creo que todos saben, hay una gran cantidad de jugadores turcos y siguen llegando.
Los jugadores principiantes, en comparación con los jugadores más viejos, son más difíciles de controlar.
Tal vez el administrador turco, puede controlar jugadores agresivos.
Trataré a todos los jugadores con justicia, y traeré la paz que el Sr. Green busca, (confío en mí mismo: D).
Hay algunos difíciles en los mapas mi preparado. Hay algunos simples.
Algunos de los mapas que hice, demasiada apreciación tomaron. Algunos de ellos fueron literalmente horribles.
Pero en los últimos tres o cuatro meses, estoy haciendo mapas muy buenos y divertidos.
Para el Sr. Green, sé el nivel de mapa que podría ser apropiado.

Voy a hacer este trabajo con éxito, no lo dudes. 




Good Luck qReW. In the night many things happen, it always happens that there are lagger players who delay the game and that, I would like to see your presence at that time always. I hope you can give mute because there are always users spamming or insulting. Since good luck. Attle: Shyloo

41 minutes ago, yusuf.ozyer said:

Good luck qrew 


21 minutes ago, Maher said:

Good luck :)


11 minutes ago, ProGilow said:

Good luck qReW :D


11 minutes ago, FastPro said:

İyi Şanslar qReW!

Güveniyorum ! bu iş senin için olabilir


9 minutes ago, RenoPopper said:

Good luck ! ✌

Thank you, gentlemen.

6 minutes ago, Stig said:

i just have 1 question do you use transalate or you know english ?

I know little English(%30). Usually using "Bing translator" I'm trying to establish sentences. A little, with my own intelligence. A little bit, thanks to the translation. Is there a place in my words that's not understood? :V 

Posted (edited)

FIRST OF ALL : This application has been translated........

Never, he does not even know english and i have seen many times abusing him some players and i am 100% sure if he gets the power in near future, he will mute or kicked some players randomely.

Second thing : Everybody can't understand turkish. As u can see in some previous reports of qrew he inuslted in turks language. I don't know why he is so aggressive. 

If u guys wanna see any little illustration of qrew behaviour u can dislike his  map guys after that he will tell u what is "Anani banani sikkim"whatever bullshit.

Only some players such as akeno , selim can understand those shitty things.

IMHO u don't deserve any moderator power.


Edited by BoNd
15 hours ago, vShyloo said:

Good Luck qReW. In the night many things happen, it always happens that there are lagger players who delay the game and that, I would like to see your presence at that time always. I hope you can give mute because there are always users spamming or insulting. Since good luck. Attle: Shyloo


16 hours ago, safrague16 said:

Gameserver: MTA MIX/Race


Country of origin: TURKEY

Link to Steam Community profile *: N/A

Discord name **: N/A

Ingame name: qReW

Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

Hello, My name is İlyas, and my goal as Map Assistant or moderator, firstly my goal is to become a moderator.
Especially when there are minor problems at night, when the manager is not in the game.
Example; Sometimes, player "PİNG" and "FPS" does not change, Normal as well "Timeout" is issued and discarded from the server. 
But sometimes it doesn't. And that player, he always finishes 1st
When it's nighttime, most of the executives aren't in the game and this is really a big problem.
I noticed one more thing, Turk administrator not have for "MİX", There's only one in the race, that person Mr Semert.
 I spend at least 5 6 hours each day in the game, and since 2010 almost i've played like 10-15 different server  I know all the modes very well , especially DM/OLDSCHOOLDM/RTF and RACE/NTS
We all know that Turkish players don't understand words, and some aggressive players insult, spam, block, and they do things like that.
I believe everyone knows, there are a large number of Turkish players, and they keep coming.
Beginner players, compared to older players, are more difficult to control.
Maybe Turkish administrator, he can control aggressive players.
I will treat all players fair, and I will bring the peace that Mr. Green seeks, (I trust myself :D).
There are hard ones in the maps my prepared. There are simple ones.
Some of the maps I've made, too much appreciation took. Some of them were literally awful.
But in the last three to four months, I am making very good and fun maps.
For Mr. Green, I know the level of map that might be appropriate.

I'm going to do this job successfully, don't doubt it. 





16 hours ago, safrague16 said:

Gameserver: MTA MIX/Race


Country of origin: TURKEY

Link to Steam Community profile *: N/A

Discord name **: N/A

Ingame name: qReW

Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

Hello, My name is İlyas, and my goal as Map Assistant or moderator, firstly my goal is to become a moderator.
Especially when there are minor problems at night, when the manager is not in the game.
Example; Sometimes, player "PİNG" and "FPS" does not change, Normal as well "Timeout" is issued and discarded from the server. 
But sometimes it doesn't. And that player, he always finishes 1st
When it's nighttime, most of the executives aren't in the game and this is really a big problem.
I noticed one more thing, Turk administrator not have for "MİX", There's only one in the race, that person Mr Semert.
 I spend at least 5 6 hours each day in the game, and since 2010 almost i've played like 10-15 different server  I know all the modes very well , especially DM/OLDSCHOOLDM/RTF and RACE/NTS
We all know that Turkish players don't understand words, and some aggressive players insult, spam, block, and they do things like that.
I believe everyone knows, there are a large number of Turkish players, and they keep coming.
Beginner players, compared to older players, are more difficult to control.
Maybe Turkish administrator, he can control aggressive players.
I will treat all players fair, and I will bring the peace that Mr. Green seeks, (I trust myself :D).
There are hard ones in the maps my prepared. There are simple ones.
Some of the maps I've made, too much appreciation took. Some of them were literally awful.
But in the last three to four months, I am making very good and fun maps.
For Mr. Green, I know the level of map that might be appropriate.

I'm going to do this job successfully, don't doubt it. 




good luck qrew :)

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