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Mr. Green Gaming

Admin app


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Yeah srry but this week I had some tests and I was a bit sick. :(

Edit: But now I'm back and the tests the coming weaks are not so hard

@ point point: I'm always online from 18 u - 23 u ( Monday, Thuesday and Thursday) and from 16 u - whole night and in weekends the whole day.

So if you gave a problem, you can contact me with steam, mirc , xfire and msn.

+ I play on all 4 servers :D

Edited by Scream
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u ??? ( sry I'm French ^^ )

And I haven't problems with you , I think , The Green Server ( Great :P ) past in the second plan after your other charges ( servers ).


Damn your english sucks dude :lol::P

Seems to be a quite good application, if the things you say are true then you would be a good admin ;)

Good luck! (duuh)

Edited by stalker-dude(nl)
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u ??? ( sry I'm French ^^ )

And I haven't problems with you , I think , The Green Server ( Great :P ) past in the second plan after your other charges ( servers ).


My French sucks :lol: after 5 years of lessons

Edited by Scream
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  • 2 weeks later...

He would be a great admin. he is playing often on the servers and he is a good player. But i would like to see that the admins playing a bit more in the tf2 servers(payload). And not only for a few months. because there are not much admins that playing a lot in the tf2 servers. I hope this would change because there are a lot of guys that playing this game for 2/3 years in the mr.green servers and still playing every day. I would like to see an admin that could do this to

I wish you good luck scream.

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