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Mr. Green Gaming

Unban Request Appeal


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  1. Your in-game name BoyKa
  2.  Date of your ban: i think on June ,  synch banned permanently
  3.  What game/server are you banned from : MIx
  4.  Who banned you (only if you know who): Witchy
  5.  Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): well i insult witchy ( family insults - + i tryed to ask him for aplogeize me )  + i insult Laca because he provoke me , witchy extended my mute ( from 2 months to 5 and then i got banned )  .
  6.  Reason why we should unban you: well i dont expect to be unbanned only put some restrictions on me that it , im old player i never provoke people i got provoked by some of them and i over react like everyone . - I fell Sorry for what i did and for Witchy for that insults  , ty for takeing your time watching my unban appeal .
  7.  Post your SteamID if you're banned on a Source-based game (Minecraft and MTA are excluded)!  https://www.steamidfinder.com/lookup/boyka2000/
  8.  If banned on MTA, post your MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial) B64CA323FA2D24931A44E79EA0E7B324

Hey Boyka


Thanks for your unban request. together with all admins giving you another chance but next time if you see when someone provoking insulting you or doing other worse things then write to me or someone from Administration 


Unbanned with 3 months mute as final penalty


have a nice day ;) 

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