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Mr. Green Gaming

Unban Request Appeal

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  1. Your in-game name BoyKa
  2.  Date of your ban: i think on June ,  synch banned permanently
  3.  What game/server are you banned from : MIx
  4.  Who banned you (only if you know who): Witchy
  5.  Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): well i insult witchy ( family insults - + i tryed to ask him for aplogeize me )  + i insult Laca because he provoke me , witchy extended my mute ( from 2 months to 5 and then i got banned )  .
  6.  Reason why we should unban you: well i dont expect to be unbanned only put some restrictions on me that it , im old player i never provoke people i got provoked by some of them and i over react like everyone . - I fell Sorry for what i did and for Witchy for that insults  , ty for takeing your time watching my unban appeal .
  7.  Post your SteamID if you're banned on a Source-based game (Minecraft and MTA are excluded)!  https://www.steamidfinder.com/lookup/boyka2000/
  8.  If banned on MTA, post your MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial) B64CA323FA2D24931A44E79EA0E7B324
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