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Mr. Green Gaming

Unban request - >THN< .dnL#r.c


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Hey guys. i just got banned by sourcebans from the counterstrike:source surfserver :/

1. ingame name: >THN< .dnL#r.c

2. date of ban: 23.03.2010

3. banned by: CONSOLE

4. Reason why I got banned: i was banned for using an addon meant for scripting purposes (LuaSourceScripting addon) wich adds CONVARS to the game (but does not hook anything of the game) for opening script written in LUA.

5. Reason why you should unban me: i'm no hacker, i'm just creating harmless scripts which i also would not use on a public server (well a fake VAC scan is always fun but most servers block spamming the chat..)

anyways, i'm not a cheater, hacker or bad person overall. i just like surfing :D

greeting dnL

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Ban reason on SourceBans is this: ConVar openscript_version violation

yeah i already said that in my first post dude...

"i was banned for using an addon meant for scripting purposes (LuaSourceScripting addon) wich adds CONVARS to the game (but does not hook anything of the game) for opening script written in LUA."

i know why i've been banned. i looked at the ban.left4green.com page too :D

openscript_version shows the version information of the LSS addon. it's like fricking testscript addon just better.

or eventscripts. it adds CONVARS to the game too. convars like es_fire.

anyways...i'm waiting for being unbanned..

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