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Mr. Green Gaming

Error's media coursework


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Hai guys,

i have sort of finished my media studies magazine for coursework, i say sort of because there arent any images on any of the pages....yet

but please have a look and tell me what you think of them

as it would help further with the feedback part of the evaluation!

which i neeeed!

have uploaded them in jpg quality, sorry

also just as a note, Default Alchemy is a band i made up, as well as the article B)




Okay, you need to give me 2 days from now. I will give you some feeback thursday.

It is magazine articles you made, right?

well, a front cover, contents page and a double page spread, which contains a article for a made up magazine

to show key aspects of production :P

Okay, you need to give me 2 days from now. I will give you some feeback thursday.

It is magazine articles you made, right?

well, a front cover, contents page and a double page spread, which contains a article for a made up magazine

to show key aspects of production :P

Okay, I will give my feedback thursday, exspectt I might will copy it in paint to make it easier for me to explain, and you to understand :D


I think it looks really cool and professional. Maybe try and include some Imagery you can work with? That might be hard seeing how your working with a made up band :mellow:

did you use InDesign?

I think it looks really cool and professional. Maybe try and include some Imagery you can work with? That might be hard seeing how your working with a made up band :mellow:

did you use InDesign?

used photoshop 6.0, bleh i know,

but i got it for free off the college computers, from their program files

and the RIOT! style font i got off the interwebs


  • 2 months later...

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