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May The Best Mapper Win!

(Unless the best mapper makes a crap-map and the worst mapper makes a map that is even better then the worst mapper will win but then it's not the worst mapper anymore so that would mean that...........................and...............but.............and therefore............cheese.................clocks............sun............pie...............................................kids.................. and therefore forget what I just said.) :mr-green:

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It will be tricky, yes. Perhaps I could expand the "Map Type" a bit... so it doesn't have to be flying.

Or should I change it to "Make whatever you like as long as it has FLYING in it. The whole map doesn't have to be flying, as long as there's a flying part in it somewhere."

The point is to make a flying-map that is NOT boring.

Edited by BlueYoshi97
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[quote name='BlueYoshi97' date='01 February 2011 - 21:23' timestamp='1296595767' post='66492'

The point is to make a flying-map that is NOT boring.

That's hard, but, not impossible!

I'm going to participate again, its going to be a challange to make something that's usually boring, not boring, i'll give my best, since i've never made a flying map

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As a quick spoiler: Round 3 will probably have no theme/type at all. Of course, before you think it will be laughably easy to make a map then, mind that originality will still be very important, aside from fun gameplay of course. :mr-green:

The mappers will have the freedom to do whatever they want. There's no worrying about putting cactuses in and stuff. But the map-rating is gonna be stricter than ever.

So now, stop complaining about the current maptype (to some of you), and decide to join this round (round 2) or not. You can at least try to make an original map with flying vehicles. But keep trying your best though. We don't want to test maps that are doomed to fail.

Maybe you can play Dodge The World Trade Center, Be A Bee Bringing Honey To The Sea, The Day That The UFO's Took Over, or Do A Barrel Roll - Press Z Or Arwing Twice! I'm just saying, flying maps doesn't have to mean 'Fly A Crappy SeaSparrow And Waterplane Through Some Checkpoints And Done' - that would not be a good idea.

Edited by BlueYoshi97
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Well, the contest just came into my mind, and when I found this topic I realized I was too late, as to be expected.

I am going to finish my map, but continuing the contest only for me seems kinda weird. If more people want an extra week, I'm good, if not, I'm good too :yeah:

I'm just too lazy, someone wake me up. :meh:

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I had a lot of thinking today, about the mapping contest, and i reached i conclusion.

Everyone that usually participates is these rounds know each other, we are all friends (well, at least we don't hate eachother, i guess) so, why don't we skip boring rounds?

Just a few people like, and i'm gonna take this round's example, flying maps, and even the pros sometims dislike them

the purpose of this contest is to bring more fun to the server, and more will do the map makers to do something new.

Ok, i see the point of this boring rounds, we need to alternate between varius tipes of maps, but, lets do a bit of cheating and skip them, who cares if we skip a flying, or a boat map, for example?

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I do not understand your post.

You are all friends... so you should skip boring rounds? That's alright with me, I wouldn't have started the round if I knew there would be no maps. :X

sorry, my english ain't very good -.-

what i was trying to say is that, since we are all friends most of us won't mind to skip some boring themes, that's basically it

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