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Mr. Green Gaming

Steam's new voice chat: SILK


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"If you were to restart your Steam account, you’d notice that it would have updated to change its voice chat technology. As anyone who’s ever used Steam Voice will know, it wasn’t exactly as good as it could have been. It’s now been replaced with SILK, an audio codec developed by the Skype peeps, with what I like to call a “dynamic bit rate protocol”, meaning it can vary its bandwidth up to 30kbps (twice as much as Steam Voice would use.) Valve adds that the voice chat connectivity and reliability has also been improved, which is mighty fine news as we were increasingly finding ourselves opting for using non-Steam chat when playing together. Isn’t that all smashing?" (Source)

Tell what you think about this change. Still going to stay in skype/mumble/Teamspeak/etc.? Going to use steam voice chat?

Personally i rarely use steam voice chat nowdays, but i would give it a try.

Edited by MiF
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