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Mr. Green Gaming


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Quote :

Ahoy everyone,

First of all, I want to welcome Frog to our Administration team. May he be a good support for our ship, and may he have rum when we're sad.

Carrying on,

A couple of rules have been implemented, along with a gold policy.

Gold Policy:

To join [E.U] you'll have to join [iCIP]

Now to join [iCIP]:

- Only players with passion and 'love' for zombie survival may join ICIP.

- Respect other pirate players.

Also have in mind that owning a Pirate hat and talking like a pirate aren't not obliatory, but are good to have to identify (Along with the Tag).

Arr, Rum

ICIP : Icing Pirates (E.U. Academy)


This message is to all current E.U. members ... (good players + semi-good players)



The [iCIP] is a "clan" you can ask to be invited to. Though, we decide whether you're good enough. If let in, in [iCIP] you have the chanche to proof that you're good enough for the [E.U]

got that? :D

  Donlan said:
To be honest, I don't see the point in having all these different groups on the server it just seems to divide the community up quite a bit.

I rather not comment on that one, as it may/may not get me in trouble..

  Danni said:
  Donlan said:
To be honest, I don't see the point in having all these different groups on the server it just seems to divide the community up quite a bit.

I rather not comment on that one, as it may/may not get me in trouble..

I Don't see whats wrong by commenting on someone's point of view.


Ok first of all,

You are all overreacting,

The purpose of ICIP is so that many of the players that wish to join EU can be 'tested', meaning that EU will be for elite players.

And about you having to join ICIP (It may not be obliatory) it's just to show other players that you were on the clan. Nothing else.

  Damien said:
omg i never heard such bullshit as this. Why you wanna make 2 clans ? why not make a devision like [e.u.n.] and the n stands for newbie. :)

I agree with you..

Atleast Elite Undead Newbies, is closer to Elite Undead than to Icing Pirates..

Just my pov.


OK people,

Listen. ICIP pirates was originaly created not to be a community but a group where we could have fun and act pirate-ish.

Frog suggested it (the 'alliance'), and the admins from ICIP (including me) thought it was a good idea. If you don't like it, go QQ somewhere else.

I'm getting tired of us being criticised about this stupidity.

  Johnathan Pewtershmitz said:
OK people,

Listen. ICIP pirates was originaly created not to be a community but a group where we could have fun and act pirate-ish.

Frog suggested it (the 'alliance'), and the admins from ICIP (including me) thought it was a good idea. If you don't like it, go QQ somewhere else.

I'm getting tired of us being criticised about this stupidity.

Why dont you answer our question about the name thing?

  Johnathan Pewtershmitz said:
OK people,

Listen. ICIP pirates was originaly created not to be a community but a group where we could have fun and act pirate-ish.

Frog suggested it (the 'alliance'), and the admins from ICIP (including me) thought it was a good idea. If you don't like it, go QQ somewhere else.

I'm getting tired of us being criticised about this stupidity.

Why dont you answer our question about the name thing?


wow this just went so out of controle amazing, every1 here just needs to relax nothing is happening at all to anything its just a new rule for making it harder to get itno E.U for my standards only does every1 understand MY standereds... not EU, i didn;t demand or ask anyhting every1 plz grow some ballz and just keep playing, idea is dropped anyway...

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