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Dr.Minky's Pile O' Crap

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My personal opinion is that some ideas brought froward should be tried at a later date. First Dr should see how it runs with everyone building and the planet idea is a very good one at that. The breathing in space is a bit far fetched at the minute and should have further modding, but it shouldn't be a no. Minky might see this as me being negative, but I have been building some of the test buildings to be posted on here and it's a success :)

Always trust the doctor.

Off Topic: Wez needs reputation from his persona porn star ;)

  On 1/17/2012 at 8:44 PM, Luke Nukem said:

My personal opinion is that some ideas brought froward should be tried at a later date. First Dr should see how it runs with everyone building and the planet idea is a very good one at that.

Ignore that, please carry on posting, just because you put something on now doesnt mean ill do it now, ill do it when i'm ready :V just means I have more ideas when I am ready

And Luke you pro tester you! DAVE'IN IT OUT TO THE MAX!


Any more volunteers? Server will be up tomorrow afternoon, send me your in game name so I can white list you all, and Ill send you the files you need in a message tomorrow

  On 1/18/2012 at 9:19 PM, Dr.Minky said:

Any more volunteers? Server will be up tomorrow afternoon, send me your in game name so I can white list you all, and Ill send you the files you need in a message tomorrow

I can play this friday evening

I'd love to join =D

Posted (edited)


1: Hamachi WONT be needed, I despise Hamachi, I'm hosting the server myself so there'll it'll just be a case of installing the pack and connecting

2: You can use voice chat if you like, depends if you all of you want to talk together or not, I would of thought you'd just talk on Skype or something if you did (Theres always the L4G mumble (mumble, meh))

3: Currently, just testing the textures for creative purposes and, after getting a feeling of it, coming up with ideas for the server in terms of things you think would be cool to have implemented, what you don't like, stuff like that. But first and foremost its testing the texture pack and finding out what blocks you don't like, didn't use or would like to have added.

Later on I'll host it again in non creative to do testing on actual server features and stuff, and after that it will be finished :) When it's done I'm just gonna use it as a private server, (there is a possibility of it being used on an actual server, but that depends on a lot of things)

Anything else you want to know? + in game names please!

Edited by Dr.Minky

Minky I would love to help! My ingame name is wezrine, as you probaly know!'

  On 1/19/2012 at 12:19 AM, Dr.Minky said:
  On 1/19/2012 at 12:16 AM, wezrine said:
Minky I would love to help! My ingame name is wezrine, as you probaly know!'
Okay, try and come up with some good feedback

what you mean? can i help?

Posted (edited)
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Yeah you can help but please come up with some feedback for me, is what I'm saying

Its actually quite important that you all do now because this is (as of today) part of one of my A level subjects where we have to make something and write about how we did it and our research (this), so I figured I may as well do this!

Info will be posted shortly,

Edit: Fuck. Update has screwed things up majorly, going to fix it asap then post it

Edited by Dr.Minky
  On 1/4/2012 at 8:37 PM, Dr.Minky said:


Heres are some backgrounds for the loading screens on ZS, one for each zombie. Eventually I'll add the random class facts but I'll do that once theyre all finished. Hopefully they will be used, if not, they're good wallpapers anyway



Original http://wolfvdd.deviantart.com/art/Headcrab-zombie-167405548



The logo in the top left is credited to someone else, I just pimped it out a bit with an edited L4D logo.

hey any chance you could send me the background image of zswallpaper3 cause am making a yt background and i really like the look of it :)

Posted (edited)
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The one with the fast zombie leaping? You want JUST the background without the zombie? I should have that somewhere I think..

Update is going okay. It should be ready for tonight, im gonna go get some dinner though

Edited by Dr.Minky
Posted (edited)
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Here are the files you need


Simple, im sure you know how to do it, but ill say anyway.

go to %appdata%/minecraft/bin and replace your minecraft.jar with the one in the pack,

put the SpaceTexture.zip in the texture pack folder

Done! (I decided to paste in some normal texture pack stuff for the items to save confusion as that's not ready)


Instead of white listing im just gonna kick people who shouldnt be there, since people didnt post their names


Edited by Dr.Minky
  On 1/19/2012 at 5:25 PM, Dr.Minky said:

The one with the fast zombie leaping? You want JUST the background without the zombie? I should have that somewhere I think..

Update is going okay. It should be ready for tonight, im gonna go get some dinner though

no the one with the normal zombie and yeah just the background without the zombie and logo if possible please :)

  On 1/20/2012 at 6:01 PM, Dr.Minky said:

The servers up for testing again tonight, feel free to join

Heres the working download again http://www.mediafire.com/?w2ud8693w1ju9wp (Bad timing with the MegaUpload link haha)

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase write some feedback on here when you're done, I NEED it to show as evidence for primary research.

whats the IP of the server

and if you need to whitelist my name is mogadonskoda (if im not too late :V)


Here are few things I noted back yesterday:

1. The textures are excellent, especially some specific celestial bodies. However, some of them still require work, for example the red mushroom blocks sharing texture with obsidian and inventory pictures.

2. A better means of travelling should be avaible. The shuttles are way too rickety, unless they could be like starter equipment or the like. (Compare wooden sword -> diamond sword, shuttle -> actually properly working spacecraft)

3. A pre-generated world would most likely work better (i.e. the one we have atm.) than regularly generated floaty world, for 'tis not a proper space-adventure without being able to trudge trough ancient alien's ruins and suchso. Also, with the constant night, having a safe haven (like the spaceport we have now) would be a requirement so that new players wouldn't get swamped by never-ending stream of mobs.

4. Torches should be replaced with lamps. Having a scifi-esque torch is just weird.

5. Vines lack colour and appear grey, which doesn't fit aesthetically well with other plants.

6. Skeleton's bows, even if left there intentionally, don't fit the general colour scheme. (Though I think you were working on bows?)

I'll post more when it comes back to my mind.

Praise the dark star.

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