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Mr. Green Gaming



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Get-A-Life happened.


Get-A-Bore happened.

Why do you care any way?

Because there base is probably unclaimed.Free stuff. And I am wandering if corby got caught admin abusing (im not saying he does) .


Get-A-Life happened.


Get-A-Bore happened.

Why do you care any way?

Because there base is probably unclaimed.Free stuff. And I am wandering if corby got caught admin abusing (im not saying he does) .

Their base/land/items are gone because they were becoming less and less active, so Corby decided to get rid of it all. And he's away for a week snowboarding in France.


Following a large, boredom filled Christmas break, we've gone back to university. For my self, I've had increased workloads coupled with a lot of activity on my stocks which requires me to put in a lot of time when I'm on my computer 8am-430pm. Around that I've got about 6 lab reports and lectures to attend. So MC isn't exactly appealing.

When I do get the time and desire to play Minecraft, the server is always 40/40. If I get in, it's laggy. If I play through the lag and attack someone they just log. It is a 0 fun server at the minute. The community has been reduced to shit. No one I like or recognise plays anymore. There are no big, feared factions. Just spring up ones that play and leave.

When combat tag is functioning, reserved slots exist and (god forbid) we have some sort of donation system to support a better server. I will play again. Until then, I doubt I'll be on very much at all.

Until summer anyway. I get bored as shit with the 5 months off.

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