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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Knul

  1. Knul

    Help me out

    GTA Shrinker didn't help for SH*T but thanks (:
  2. Benox, you're a fucking legend bro. Your maps are fucking crazy, back in the good ol' days in 2011, I remember playing your maps. +1 respect
  3. Knul

    Help me out

    When I open the link, a white screen from Dropbox appears and a red bar pops-up at the top of my screen and it says "The folter /MTA doesn't exist"
  4. Knul

    Help me out

    Uhm, I've just downloaded mta from mtasa.com , I have no clue what Vanilla MTA is lol Isn't vanilla a flavour?
  5. Knul

    Help me out

    When I try to open it it says "The folder /MTA doesn't exist"
  6. Whatsup everybody As some of you may know, I'm back at playing MTA, it's a long time ago I've enjoyed it this much. But I've got some issues, my laptop got real shitty after all these years, and I'm always getting 10-25 fps, last year I've always got 30-45 I really can't play with that shitty fps, I've already changed my display and video-settings as low as I can, pressed f1 and changed all the settings to old hud etc, but unfortunately it didn't make it better. Please throw me some options for better fps, I already used IMG tool, did all kind of things from videos, like replace some files in models file and it helped me, I always got 60 fps for the first 5 minutes, but then suddenly i start getting short fps drops to like 1 or even 0 fps and then it goes to 11-20. Can someone help me out? And don't say like buy a new computer or processor, if I had the money, I'd do it .. Thanks, Knul.





  8. Well uhm.. Hey, see you in like 4 months or something lmao
  9. @SDK I know you didn't like me trough the years, but you were a really good person imo. Sad to hear you're going to retire, good luck @Flipper , I remember you from back in the days, I really hope you're as good as my man @SDK
  10. I know I'm late to the party, but if Tuco gets banned, I should've been banned for years now lmao I'm the biggest dickhead you can imagine yourself, an attention whore and a raging little fuck, and I never got banned, people made several topics to get me banned, but everyone know that I'm incredible and my dear admins can't ban me, right? Anyways, this is to you Tuco, all the other people, don't get offended, so Tuco you was doing rude shit to Binslayer right? RESPECT MY MAN I HATE BINSLAYER, LIKE HE WAS MY BUDDY WHEN HE STARTED MAPS FOR ME BUT HE WAS A FUCKING HUGE DICK TO ME ONCE, AND SINCE THEN I HATE HIM, IT WAS LIKE IN 2012 LOL, I RESPECT BINSLAYER BECAUSE HE STARTED MIX AND ALL THAT BUT HE CAN BE SO RUDE, FUCK BINSLAYER WE WANT TUCO <3 The only admin that I miss atm is Sergio_riv :'( He probably doesn't remember me anymore, but I do remember him, he started maps for me and he helped me alot, I have no idea what happened to that guy, but I miss him </3 Now, my point is, Tuco deserves that unban, he's a legend and he's adored by all of us, we love tuco, tuco is love, tuco is life <3
  11. Thanks Bro, worked fine<3
  12. Yoo people idk if u remember me but i've been inactive since past october of november, i've been back for like 2 days in april but I got bored, now I'm ready to play the shit out of this game again but I got a problem. My CD Driver broke so now I can't insert my GTA SA disc, I know y'all be thinking like 'Yo Knul, you already installed it so I don't see the problem, or like: You can download torrents from piratebay so i don't see no problems..'' BUT the problem is that all those freaking torrents are broken, or don't have the full version of the game, its like a little folder with just the files u need to play the singleplayer GTA SA, like u just need the audio, anim files etc and just the "gta_sa.exe' application, but the problem with this is that it doesnt create the rockstar games & gta san andreas folder in your program files so I'm really seeking my ass off to find a decent torrent/download that creates the Program Files (x86) / Rockstar Games / GTA: San Andreas folder.. Please help me, I know that there are many illegal downloaders here, so please help me out for once, I know that I'm a fucking dickhead n all that but yo im knul i've been playing on this server since 2011... SO TO ALL MY DEAR ADMINS/MODS/PLAYERS please help me out <3 I missed this server so much GREETS JONAS
  13. well, that did not last long..
  14. Wb motherfucker <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333
  15. +1 everyone who comments
  16. Whatup bro's and sis' I'm Knul aka JNS and I know that I already introduced myself.. But fuck it right? We"ll die someday.. So I know I'm not the nicest guy you'll see here, but I love this server. And really, fuck all the wigga's who disrespect me, like I know I'm a fuckwid too but yo... I fucking love Hip-hop / Rap.. I listen oldskool shit .. Like really, fuck them wack ass rappers like Lil' Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Drake (who needs to jump in a lake, cause he a fake snake) Oh yeah I know I said that I was gonna quit this crap server, but I can't cause this isn't crap, this is 40% of my gaming life lol.. I play here since 2011 and I saw aloooooooooot of shit.. BUT YO... You can choose.. Y'all want a fucking annoying Knul (like the ol' days) or a nice Knul (like I never was) I LOVE YOU GUYS... f*ck binslayer <3 idk why i posted this, probably on some methadon or something idk.
  17. almost 2 years later..
  18. merry christmas, feels good to be online for 1 second on mrgreen just to say this, bye i'm going back to my cave, cya in a few months

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