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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by AfuSensi

  1. attachicon.gif60fps.jpg


    Seriously, i dont see the problem. When you cant run MTA you have a pretty horrible pc. 



    Of course you dont, but what if you where a person that plays on mta all the time but just cannot afford to get a better pc..  So then you cannot play the game anymore because everyone else doesnt care about the people that cannot afford a better pc..  To me this is not just a game, its a community. I come to Mr.Greens for the people that play there..  I also come because the server is fun...  If you make the game unfun for people they leave and then the community starts to fall..  Same thing happend to ALW server..  Now no one plays there anymore...


    "slakkers"is an old term what was used over the internet, people who play an game beond ther limmits of there pc.


    Sorry about my little "flare up."  I dont like it when someone vilipends one of my clan members.  Anywys, I guess do to the game what you will..  I just wont be apart of it.. The same reason why i stoped playing at alw, if the game becomes unplayable for someone then they stop playing.

     i tought you where devending one for your "clan"members and my excuses :)


    its just the hate that those people have returned in game's and they ar axsepted the's days.......


    What country does that belong to then slakkers, iv been trolling since 1995, and have never seen that term used..


    This is what slacker means.....




    So I really have no idea what the hell you are talking about?  Have someone translate what your saying please because im tired of guessing.



    You can still play the game if you can only go to 45fps, but if you can go to 45fps there is a very big chance you can go to 60fps. Its 15fps for christ sake.

  2. I voted no, why do we even need this, if this gets added alot of people will use the horn and it will be very noisy/annoying. There will be many trollers.

    Its already added. So i see no reason why it would be different.

  3. so, since this experiment seems to be over, what about tryin a lower pinglimit?



    I agree anyone with over 100 ping shouldnt be let in...   That way we can get ride of all the laggers at once and cater to the 10%'s


    Also anyone under 60fps shouldnt be let in.

    FPS is something that is your own fault, they should check their settings.

    Ping is something alot of people cant do anything about if that player lives far.

  4. Your use of colourfull and creative language helps create a mature image and reinforces your highly detailed argument.






    1) How do you define maximum length/size?   I could easily use a very short FLAC codec and still be under X length and vice versa i could have a really long low quality horn that would fit under X file size.

    2) Who is going to moderate them? `Cause someone WILL make something inappropriate.

    3)If get to choose what to upload as a custom horn whats to stop the server getting its memory filled with a load of horns?   Everyone will want their own custom one.

    4) If only admins get to upload them how will they know what horns will be liked/used by the players?   They cant satisfy everyone without clogging up the server.

    5) If there are to many custom horns to download wont that make ppl with slow internet less likely to join?   Last i checked MTA was the kind of game you drop into for a blast then leave (or is it like track mania where it loads custom content after you join the server?)


    Sure if you charge GC for custom horns it would probably be a good idea money wise but is it really worth the effort to set it up?


    1. I'd say max 3 seconds in mp3. That doesnt take up that much space i think.
    2. The admins?
    3. Thats true, so wouldnt it be a nice idea to make it more than the custom paintjob (wich is 15k already), and limit it to 1 per player.
    4. No idea, but alot of the custom horns that are available now arent used eighter, based on what i hear when someone fails ^^.
    5. If its the same as custom paintjob it shouldnt be a big problem right?

    My attempt to aswer your questions, its just how i like to see it, but the decision is not mine.

  5. Next time post it here please: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/forum/5-bans-unbans/

    And don't worry, I'll be watching that player. If that happens again today, report him in the game and I will watch him.


    Juanca806 was insulting other players.

    attachicon.gifgta_sa 2012-12-17 22-45-30-78.png

    can u tell how u put the right square, that said u r in 20th?

    Funny, i asked him the same question a few weeks before.

    Quote from PM:



    The command is   /board


    to be easy, binde a key to this,  example:  /bind 0 board  (is not the 0 on the numeric keypad)


    So when you press 0 will enable or disable "

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