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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cheeseman

  1. What we really need is Necro to clean up our mess and restore it to its former glory before we tried to make it better and failed miserably. Although I know he doesn't want to work on ZS anymore. I don't think it would hurt to make an old version of ZS open source. The worse that could happen is it never gets fixed. I don't think someone would fix it, take the code and start up their own zs server with how old Gmod is now.
  2. Some of the most fun I have had on this game mode was back on Necro ZS when we had around 75 levels and the skill shop. I felt like things steadily went downhill from there. Right now it is dead but I wonder what would have happened if we left things as is? Would the players really have all left inevitably? We can all agree there were problems with the old ZS, elitism and others but players seemed to enjoy it. What we have now is shit, which is why nobody plays it. What I would give to turn the clock back... You are right Damien...GM is old but what can we do? Wait for HL3 to come out and make a new ZS? When was that release date again...?
  3. I'm glad you guys are still working away at the new ZS 3.0 mod. Can't wait to see what it looks like when done.
  4. Good. I always thought that all of the perks which have not yet been unlocked should also be visible in the menu. It makes it easy for a new player to understand that they unlock perks as they level up,
  5. Pufu has been making a lot of changes to the ZS server and the effort is appreciated. However, he hasn't been asking other people's opinions about making a change or taking other's ideas. He just said fuck you Duby and made whatever changes he wanted to, answering to no one. If the result was great then it wouldn't be a problem but the issue is that the server went from some players to no players.
  6. A problem I see in all of the maps is bad fps and lagging when human, the problem goes away when zombie. My fps will be like 15-20 as a human and like 60 when I am a zombie. Makes it really difficult to aim at things. Also like reiska said the mics lag. People's voice gets cut off and its impossible to understand anything they are saying at times.
  7. Major fps rape on zs_McDonalds when human
  8. Wow, seems like a lot of work is being done. I like all of these changes. Can't wait to see what it looks like when it is all done.
  9. I like the small text and having less of an obtrusive HUD as the previous one was.
  10. Pufulet is unstoppable.
  11. Wow, this looks like it will be a really awesome update. Good job Pufulet.
  12. If you don't have a credit card or bank account to use with PayPal then you can always buy a Visa or MasterCard gift card and use that to donate with PayPal.
  13. I'm just going to throw this out there but why are we calling this game mode "Zombie Survival" in the first place? Sure, Its somewhat based off of JetBoom's game mode which he named "Zombie Survival" but if we coded our own custom zombie game mode don't we deserve to call it whatever the hell we want? Why are we using the name which JetBoom came up with; if its a custom game mode why not give it our own unique name? Anyone who sees the name Zombie Survival is going to assume its your typical NOX style zombie game mode. I think we need to differentiate ourselves from the pack of regular Zombie survival servers in order to attract interest. I like Braindawg's suggestion of Zombie Onslaught.
  14. Wasn't there some talk a while ago about changing the server's region code to attract more North American players? The most popular ZS servers like HG are packed with up to 90 players on the weekend and seem to be all Americans. I feel like Mr.Green is completely unknown to the world outside of Europe besides for a few people who happen to stumble upon it.
  15. Haha, unique survival. Sounds like we are one of thoes "special" kids in the classroom that no one wants to play with.I think we should make a list of suggestions and start a poll.
  16. Yes, good idea. We could use a good name to separate us from the pack.
  17. Whatever you do just don't nerf the medkit sp. It is possible to make sp from healing, I do every game but it isent much more than breaking even. What we also need to do (besides balancing teams) is fix the medic end game stats. They have been broken since the new end game screen was added. While I'm thinking about medics the medic suit is also broken, but fixing the balance should be the main priority right now.
  18. Its easier than implementing the quick buy system and solves the problem so why don't we give it a try!
  19. That's why I think having a good quick buy system is crucial in order to make the shop work without waves.
  20. I was thinking of something like this but with no clicking or menus involved when you want to quick buy. You could simply hit a key when you are near the crate and it will buy your chosen loadout. This makes it better for runners because there is no menu or clicking to slow you down.
  21. The gun buying system sucks right now because there is no quick buy system. It has the same problem the shop used to have. It would have been better to fix this before the crate was changed.
  22. I think that if we are going to remove bosses then the zombies need to be buffed in some way because they will be underpowered.
  23. I really wish that for this update we had done one major thing different than all of the updates that had been done the past 3 years I have played here. This is what differentiates the amateurs from the professional game developers. That thing is testing! I believe that the only updates that should be pushed to the server without testing are bug fixes (such as the stuck bug which I think should be the top priority as it is game breaking). Other than that, when you change a major aspect such as the crate system that has a ripple effect and completely changes the game play dynamics introducing other unforeseen balance issues. Since as far as I can remember updates were done in the fashion of pushing each as it was coded one by one, viewing the effects and then later fixing all the things that change broke. This is the easiest thing to do but it is hard on the player base and results in a more fucked up game mode until everything has been re-balanced. I think it would have been better to finish all of the coding for a complete game update. Get together a team of regulars to test and discuss to make the appropriate adjustments. This takes longer and is more work but don't we want good quality the first time around?
  24. It will take some time for adjustment from the previous system. Adding the skill shop brings back the economic/ money management aspect to the game. If you are going to cade you need to make sure to save SP for nails, that might mean deciding to not get that kick ass rifle. If you are a dedicated medic you will need to save SP for charge etc. This makes it harder for humans to get a good gun while constantly buying charges and healing themselves, but it also allows for not getting that shitty scout sniper that the previous crate always likes to auto buy for me.
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