The infected resurrect as it is right now can actually cause more rage quitting. Its very frustrating as a zombie. Many times as a human I have shot a zombie and had him go down. Then you just stand over him and hit him with the crow bar, when he gets back up he gets hit and goes down again before he can do anything. Gets up a final time and dies with my crowbar before he can do anything. This is going to piss off any zombie player and make them rage more than just dying and respawning with full hp. If you want to stop rage quitting at the beginning of the round I think one of the best things to do is like Reiska said: - Buff starting zombies Also I like Rob's suggestion: - Make the gas at zombie spawn deal damage. I've seen a lot of people rage quit and it mostly happens when the server has a low amount of players and the zombies cant do shit because they are too few and humans usually spawn kill as well. In order for the server to be populated more often and have good high pop. games the game play with low players has to be much better than it is right now. Right now its shit, just ask Reiska. He comes on and leaves after seeing the low pop server is boring as fuck with humans just raping zombies. I don't want to bitch and wine about ZS like everyone else but something has to be said.