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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xLAPARKAx

  1. How is it possible that I banish for insulting another user who was designed to be a woman and an adm goes to his defense no matter just because that user asks for it I think we are already several users that we are tired of resivir insults of the user Mariana Like son of a bitch Fucking black Or saying words like The administered do as I say You are a fucking nigga And I also think it is wrong that he is manipulating said administrators only by posing as a woman
  2. yes megaz admin good luck megaz mimamor
  3. woozie used hack and no one mentions anything someone mentioned block in the form of joke and everyone loses the head
  4. and then if someone said in the chat woozie is travesti bone it is believed and report it in the Forum
  5. You can manipulate any kind of reading withoutimages example [12/01/2016 07:20:59] [Output]: woozie: all latinos are some damned [12/15/2016 06:21:00] [Output]: woozie: I am untouchable on this server [01/15/2016 06:22:10] [Output]: woozie: I am the best server [01/15/2016 06:22:55] [Output]: woozie: If I use hack never blamed me nothing
  6. I am looking forwardfast I want to buy
  7. When list will the area green coins
  8. not when I have to donate does God that I am paying
  9. the error already this solved thanks
  10. mrgreengaming.../greencoins.php If I can get me easy but the server wont let me disconnect your account and try to see if you can
  11. I try to connect my account in f6 cun and gives meerror and in the Forum I can normal and tried withdifferent accounts
  12. There are problems to connect account in the f6 There are problems to connect account in the f6
  13. I show my displeasure and my translation is bad thatuse google: v If any word was offensive is because ofthe translator put it in less time
  14. I'm from the users who buy mapsand I can just buy a map every 3 hourswho was the idea of shitthat very much limits the servermany users with some regulations of shit that you are creatingI don't think that many people lasts soare much limiting users
  15. sending new maps to the server and the administrator bobtaylor always banned all my maps and e noticed that it accepts maps spam my maps believe them with time and the single therejections will rage with me e sent as 15 maps which only 2 were accepted Please ask that skynet take charge of handler maps and let that users are to decide if the map is good orbad
  16. and tried many ways and none work
  17. ty cena a hug win
  18. File race-circuit-evil1.zip (0) Zip: Ok Map: Your map has no meta.xml race mode: Server: Map not ok.
  19. is a package with 2 maps decompressed weighing less than 5 mb each are 2 equal but different layout maps I hope you like to continue with many more contributions pack 2 maps.rar
  20. administrator to someone who has no game 30 days on the server,and presumably better than other servers according mrgreen,design than 2 hours a day on the serverbut afk or just running some tops maps pt: sorry for my bad English
  21. bob plz uploader you are rock 5
  22. I have no pictures or videos of the maps but I assure you are not ugly att.Diablo666 packs 12 maps.rar
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