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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by reynir999

  1. reynir999


    Never mind, /f access ) thx
  2. reynir999


    Just try it!
  3. reynir999


    still not works
  4. reynir999


    I can't access my truce chests... and can't build.. bug?
  5. I can't access other chests of my truce
  6. reynir999


    Vikings can't play all together ( 4 max players in one faction ( Please change to 15 or something.. ) And change factions to normal!! And remove 10 sec tp cooldown for /f home and remove enchant limiter :3 CLAVUS PLEASE.... The server was better with that D;
  7. Ohh i didnt knew that.. F***
  8. I have an idea! remove enchant limiter so we can enchant prot IV and map reset. We always start playing again on map reset. Vikings will rise again! -Reynir999, Krummi, arnlaugur1, kottur, sveinnv333, mundi95, Ryksugan, sigurdurv333, kottur, harvizzz, arnarmaster, addi22, mcclaren, Galdrakallinn, arnar99, elvarjens and more! (ICELANDC TEAM) more than 16 players will start playing the server when map reset. See ya then
  9. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/trade/ - trade plugin http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-core/ - make another world like build http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/health-bar/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/essentials/ - config that so diamondore will be alerted when mined by normal players(only admins can see) and over 70 commands for admins and default. http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Command_Reference http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/factionsplus/ - if you want more then commands to factions( still need the faction plugin ) http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/trophyheads/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/combat-tag/ - i dont remember if it was anti pvplogg plugin. Remove enchantlimiter and allow protection IV I will edit when i find more plugins.
  10. This is great idea but dont use /spawn Clavus, please have normal ep, prot4 and sharp5 and reset the map. Now 1-5 players play this server, we need to "let him shine" again! do it @clavus And another thing.. DISABLE OREBFUSCATOR. The chests and some blocks like crafting table are glitched and are just gray so we cant know it is a chest or a crafting table... Please fix I know what orebfuscator is.. I don't use X-ray btw.. I don't see diamond ore and stuff. I have no mods, I only see gray chests etc...
  11. this is good idea BUT, you can wear the head... like an helmet, so you look like the other player :l
  12. Heeeey! Some stupid guy name: 'logi200' created a faction that name is Vikings and I claimed it for arnlaugur1... wtf? please give us our faction back. The faction name of us is now Vikiings. The admin is arnlaugur1
  13. arnlaugur1 - VIkings
  14. I have been waiting for 1 year to get unbanned! in-game name: 'reynir999' awesome_5000 banned me. I was noob and didn't know what nodus was...(i have never test it and I won't test it!) some guy typed this command: '-sneak' and i just. wtf? what does that mean? Is that a command? I typed it in faction chat and awesome_5000 kicked me out of the faction and ban me: reason: banned by an opeartor. please believe me!! I can't wait longer, i have been banned for 1 year! My friend said you have good ban system and I get banned for this... WTF? Just check the server logs! some guy typed in -sneak in normal chat and I typed it in faction chat! Next time please share screen me in skype! I don't have nodus! Please please please, it was so fun playing this server and raid with my friends ( -reynir999 from Holyorder (now it's VIKINGS) Sorry for bad english, im from iceland.
  15. Yeah, that's the one. Redgander's a player Unban denied. REDGANDER HAVE NEVER BENN IN HOLYORDER!! We are from iceland nd holyorder is just for icelandic people!! plz unban
  16. Im from Holyorder. Not redgander -.- and have always be in the holyorder faction!!
  17. He probably teleported to you, and you had Forcesprint effect visible while standing still Why are u ban me for nothing! it's not fair :s this was my best server.
  18. it can't be true. I dont use hacks. My friend says you have the best security but u just ban peaceful people :s U can see in the logs, some guy write -sneak and then me -sneak and then Awesome ban me! That's true!
  19. 1. Your ingame name: reynir999 2. Date of your ban: last year 3. What game/server are you banned from: server.minecraft.nl but it was minecraft.nl last year. 4. Who banned you (only if you know who): Awesome 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): It says banned by operator 6. Reason why we should unban you: Some dude says -sneak and i just "what do that mean?" and i write it "-sneak" and then Awesome: Dont use nodus, WTF!? and kick, banned me D:
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