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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Thnx CarPileUp i finnaly joined
  2. You need registration for mIrc right? Where is it possible to register... umm... for free? Or can I register on mIrc itself? Well sorry for being nooby but its been ages since i used it and back then when i did i was a noob at it so if someone be so kind to tell me hos to connect? Thnx
  3. Clavus: you're the smart one Dusty: I am not calling you're family fucked , i first got drunk at my dad,s 34 birthday so a birthday is a different thing +++ drinking is not for showing off, well it can be but i dont think so anyway
  4. OMG!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!! I wrote at the the bottom>>> "PS: I did not make this to show off or to teach minors about drinking , I made this out of just being bored and of showing my stupidity to all of you in the Mr.Green portal!!" If you didn't read that dont post shit!!!
  5. Yo NPhect .. did you realise the line where i wrote "Lets say you're a 14 year old boy..." ?????????? If not read it again and you're a 14 year old boy who drinks in front of his parents ... well I'm sorry .. you're family is FUCKED!!!
  6. Yo Botervloot you got a head there I'm a dumbass so i won't even start at this but nice post
  7. Okay. I guess most of you know how to drink ... that's why i cant find a point in doing this... But let's start anyway Drinking is something people do on occasions... not where I live.. that's why I wanted to make this tutorial Step 1: BUYING THE DRINK Lets say you're a 14 yr old boy who want's to get drunk because it's you're best friend's birthday : what to do? 1. Find someone to buy the drink for you (I Would recommend Vodka but if you're a first timer take some cider instead) call an older friend or if you don't have any find any old bum on the street to buy it for you. PS: You should get more money so you could pay the bum for not runing away with the drink Step 2: FINDING A SPOT So you have the drink but not the age huh.. 1. Quickly go over to somewhere you cannot be seen clearly (a backstreet or something) 2. Think of all the place's where you have been before and try and remember a spot where you could drink what you have without being seen. (Try and think of this before the purchase) 3. Hide the drink (In you jacket) unzip you jacket place it in and hold it with you hand through the pocket. This will be much easier than climbing over fences and running through you're neighbours backyard just to get to where you want to go. 4. At the spot check if there is any people around and read step 3... Step 3: STARTING The drink is ready the spot is found... 1. When you open the drink don't go into a hurry to finnish it. 2. Make a line of who is drinking 1st who is 2nd etc.. 3. Sit down , take it easy , and after you are finished stand up quickly , take a deep breath count to 10 sit down again and blow it out. Well this is actually it on my How To: Drink tutorial. PLEASE READ >>> DO NOT go home after Step 3: Part 3 go home only after you feel better!!! PS: I did not make this to show off or to teach minors about drinking , I made this out of just being bored and of showing my stupidity to all of you in the Mr.Green portal!! Please Drink Sensibly XD
  8. The White Fucking Wolf :D

  9. here's a jpg a bit rough , sorry what do you think ?
  10. Is This Good? Or did I Go overboard? 40905460v1_350x350_Front.bmp
  11. man i think Ywa's was the best... Never laughed any harder
  12. Steam: underzero5 GAMETAG: burningserberus Xfire: dont use Wii:dont have Skype: kakarott12 (if any1 has it ) I like the idea of a WoW guild would like to join but need to download WoW first Are u still doing it anyway?
  13. well i said it once... wtf is happening?
  14. wtf?
  15. Mr.Green CSS #1 Surf I dont have irc because i dont use it i use skype ok i will get irc then
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