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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kodauer

  1. Hey guys, I'm currently working on my underground portion of my castle (where the farms will be and such). To do this, I need a relatively large hole to be dug (trying to make it look like Erebor from the Hobbit). Anyways, the hole needs to be dug down to level 69. The outline of the hole can be seen from the picture attached and in game. If you have nothing to do or want to help, I'd appreciate your assistance! I thought this would be a nice little community project. We'll be opening soon to the public (hopefully next week!) Anyone who helps out will get free access to my all color sheep wool farm! Picture: http://i.imgur.com/s2by7mV.png
  2. Hmmm, I see. That'll be fine then. Would you be interested in an admin position? You're much more active than my other two... admins... haha.
  3. I'd like to help you with the irongolem farm. Haven't had much to do on the server lately so building a irongolem farm is probably just what I need. Lol 69lvls Well tell me when ur ready! I am ready when you are ready Also, do you know what to do with the levels :S @Kodauer, I hope it doesnt matter that I make the ironfarm at spawn, because it has to be in the "Spawn chuncks" And that is at spawn, you cant build it anywhere else... It might be an issue, because too many entities will cause FPS/connection lag for anyone around the spawn area.
  4. Sure, you can get them for free! How many do you need? I saw you placed some in my house, thanks! Check out the 4x4 piston door I made with the slime/sticky pistons. It's probably the most complex thing I've made out of redstone to date.
  5. Does anyone have any slime to trade? I need some sticky pistons.
  6. Sorry everyone, I've been super busy with school. I took a look at the livemap, and everything looks so cool! Jiles: I don't see any ugly buildings, could you point them out? I see what you mean. I unwhitelisted minemax and sempie. You have my permission to take down their stuff. Vtraxx: I'll get on now and answer your questions. Skyblue: Whitelisted. EDIT: Holy CRAP! I love the town hall! Great work you guys! I can play this weekend because I'm off from school for 3 days! Can't wait!
  7. Removed the land claiming plugin, no one was supposed to use it yet , everything should be fixed. I'm not sure what you mean by this? Complete sentences, please. If you're bashing on our lack of a good rollback plugin, coreprotect and prism aren't updated for 1.8 yet. Logblock is the only thing that works. It works well, anyhow.
  8. Sorry for the late replies: I was on a plane + traveling most of this weekend. Back to school tomorrow. What do you mean? He can't claim land above you, it's your land. Are you talking about the landlord plugin? It shouldn't be used yet, because I haven't set it up. I will unclaim all current claims. When Icecreator was hacking, I thought you said you weren't him? The kid has not even got his own mr.green forums acc. I did not even know he's been on my forums account. But hey, if you don't want me there its fine I'm happy to whitelist you, but I'm not sure if it was you or Icecreator. Accepted! Accepted!
  9. I'm not sure if you can be "bored" of survival, when you haven't even played survival. Right now on livemap I see you have an ugly cobblestone house after playing for several weeks. Of course you're going to be bored, you've built NOTHING. Look at Huljpe, Tribalmind and myself - we're all working on stuff and are plenty entertained. Besides, this is something I do on the side. I have no interest in leading a factions server again.
  10. Are you talking about the landlord plugin? It shouldn't be used yet, because I haven't set it up. I will unclaim all current claims. When Icecreator was hacking, I thought you said you weren't him?
  11. Accepted Land claiming plugin has updated! We will be going public soon!
  12. Banning + Rolling back Tonnie. Sorry for the trouble! All items should be returned, tell me if there's something missing. Edit: Rollback complete! All items are returned.
  13. Probably 2 double chests worth in the end. We are making the server public as soon as a certain land protection plugin is updated.. too much too worry about with griefing and unclaimed land. Accepted.
  14. In other words, I'm in need of large amounts of "diorite." Anyone have some I could trade for? It's for my castle in progress...
  15. - will respond to other posts later - Installed log block plugin! Type '/lb tool' in game to track who's taken stuff from chests or broken blocks. I can rollback anyone's grief.
  16. How about a really big mob trap? Unlimited gunpowder, bones and rotten flesh!
  17. In other news, people have been making really cool stuff! I say we start working on a community project, like a massive mob trap or something. Who's in? Got any ideas?
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