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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kodauer

  1. I talked with Ywa the other day, and he plans to close the Minecraft server. It's long outlived it's time. Without a dedicated leading Manager, there's no hope. It's been a fun run everyone. If I ever get back into MC I'll be sure to get all of you involved
  2. If Dingo's inactive, I think xpr0 is the best option. Robbi's completely fit for the job, but he has no knowledge of server stuff. Xpr0 has also run servers in the past, from what I remember. Will send Ywa a PM.
  3. I'm not going to fix anything, my time here is up. I just talked with Balmung, and apparently he rage quit? Anyways I suggest we appoint xpr0, robbi or dingo to the position of manager, so things can be straightened up.
  4. Looks like things are descending into chaos again. Where's Balmung?
  5. It's still broken though. Yeah I did some troubleshooting when I was still in charge, it seems the problem is with the server jar itself. There's no updated versions available because of the DCMA stuff going on.
  6. The factions server market is incredibly overcrowded. There are probably more factions servers than players nowadays. If our server stays on factions, our player-base will never grow. I'm not sure what Balmung is planning to do, but turning away from factions is the right way to go. I attempted to do this with the server network, but that didn't work. I suggest you make something where players are forced to work together - making sure it's not singleplayer multiplayer Just my 2 cents, best of luck Balmung!
  7. No. Your accounts will NOT be unbanned, we take DDoS threats very seriously. Grow up. Try your luck again in a month or so.
  8. Auto-denied, because you've been banned on our server multiple times for hacking. In fact, you should still be banned.
  9. But yes. Currently setting up the new map. Dynmap is almost fully rendered, in stunning HD! (take a look at the isometric view). Going to work on most other stuff tomorrow.
  10. In other news, the factions server is whitelisted until Saturday morning, so we can set stuff up.
  11. I have several things planned regarding withers, potions & other things - you'll just have to wait until Saturday to find out what they are.
  12. I'll talk to RedGander to see if it's possible to prevent marking in other's faction land (it is, but requires some dev work).
  13. After reading all your replies, and thinking on this for a couple days, I've come up with some final changes regarding the server. I'll finalize these when I talk with RedGander tonight: (some thoughts precede the changes) I'm all for rewarding those who put hard work into their base with protection for their items, but liquid protection is simply too easy and overpowered to get. 30 minutes into the game (or less), I could have a cobble shack with water all over it, and no one could ever think of raiding me. However, this being said, we must ask the question, What is the point of this server? Is it blow up other peoples' bases? To PvP? to Build Epic bases? Out of all the above, I think everyone wants a server where they can PvP the most. Everyone especially enjoys our PvP server's FFA, evidizing this. Blowing up peoples' bases is nice, but is it beneficial to the overall server experience? Losing your base/items is very discouraging, and (since you lose your items) discourages PvP. Therefore, I am going to made these following changes/reverts: 100% Vanilla obsidian/liquid/creeper mechanicsMUCH easier to obtain enchants/potions/experience The only person I've seen in this thread against these ideas is someone who doesn't even play on our server. marcussss
  14. We're using this right now, it's only a protocol hack that allows 1.8 clients to join a 1.7 world. There's nothing out there except the vanilla server jar that supports real 1.8 right now.
  15. Than they'll just build on 65-69, and if needed dig a hole below their base so creepers can't reach the base. Well this is more effort than simply making an obsidian cube at y 250, like SOME factions do * cough Russia cough *
  16. Perhaps something that disables placing obsidian above y level 70?
  17. TnT/Creepers will have an interesting set of mechanics this map, but I want to get some feedback on the system (this idea is constantly changing, so nothing's set until map reset ) TnT and Creepers will blow through any liquids + destroy them. This is 100% for sure staying, since water/lava is way too cheap of a protection mechanism. ONLY creepers will blow up obsidian. TnT won't be able to touch it. It's this, or 100% making TnT indestructible. If obsidian is indestructible, we'll mess around with wither mechanics. Thoughts?Faction bases will ONLY be blow-up-able if a person is online in their faction. To prevent people from abusing this, there will be a 15 minute timer from when the last person logs out from a certain faction - 15 minutes where explosions are allowed.
  18. Map reset will be next week (September 20th). Server will open at 9:00 (am) Dutch time, that day. I'll post a topic about it in a bit.
  19. This FFA will indeed return. Although the current FFA setup is pretty popular. Perhaps two FFA's?
  20. The other admins and I are currently in discussion of another 1.7 map reset, since bukkit 1.8 isn't coming out anytime in the near future. We * might * be doing a vanilla themed map, with all restrictions on enchantments and potions lifted. Potions will return to 1.5 mechanics, which will balance everything out. Obsidian will return as invincible to TnT, but liquids will offer no protection. Ore spawn rates will be increased, and it'll be easier to obtain enchants (prot IV/sharp V) + EXP. The /pvp along with FFA will be moved to the factions server. Other than that I'm leaving stuff to defaults. We'll see how this works out.
  21. Wipe your .minecraft, should fix any client issues. Save your screenshots/world saves if you have any.
  22. Bukkit isn't a plugin, it's the core server software that all our plugins (factions, markers, etc) hooks into. Also: Creative can't be fixed. I'm going to have to reset the map.
  23. We may have another 1.7.2 map for factions. We'll wait and see, since bukkit 1.8 isn't coming out anytime soon.
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