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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mateoryt

  1. Hey Boyka, listen, the only ones who can close this topic are me or Madkiller. Z3ITM4NN doesn’t have that authority on the forum. + I’ll add something from myself: based on your behavior, I conclude that you won’t change, even in the long time. Sharing other people’s messages, really? I know people who do that, and I don’t have much respect for them. All you're proving is that you won’t change. Kash has a better chance of being unbanned than you. If that offends you in any way, it shouldn’t, because the truth is always brutal. Have a nice day, and I hope you change your behavior
  2. Welcome whole Mrgreen Community I come here with good news for mappers who create maps on mrgreen. this time you will have opportunity to add Mrgreen Animated logo to your maps, big thanks Alekscore for permission to share your script for all mappers How excatly Mrgreen Animated logo looks ? : I recorded video with an example use of this logo What do I need to get a logo on the map: 1. its simple but first you need file scripts and add them to map folder and meta.xml before start making a map 2.Later while mapping use object with ID:3851 name: carshowwin_SFSX and put it on the map 3. In script Mrgreen.lua you can see some seetings you can play arround with but you need have Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code 4.and thats it if you have any questions then feel free to write under this post I think I explained quite simply how to do it and wish you have fun in mapping have a nice day MrgreenAnimatedlogo.zip
  3. Hey Boyka Thanks for your unban request. together with all admins giving you another chance but next time if you see when someone provoking insulting you or doing other worse things then write to me or someone from Administration Unbanned with 3 months mute as final penalty have a nice day
  4. Welcome dear Mrgreen Community I would like presents you next event from series ''PP Meeting''. there will definetily be lots of fun from NTS and Core Markers maps and ofc too much chaos if more players come on our together event. maps should be the same as on others versions ''PP Meeting''. Time : PP Meeting 12.11.2023 Sunday 20 CET cya in next Sunday
  5. Nice interview man but I cant agree on this in 100% : ''After Cena's ownership post and the end of 2020, various staff members have became inactive, including Jack123, whose status is still being unknown today. But other admins&mods have stopped playing on the server as well while the player loss was happening. Between September 2021 and December 2022, there were barely any moderators and admins on the servers because of that. However, there was little need of them, as the chat looked empty most of the times, sadly.'' I trying be on server when I had free time between this period ofc I had too small breaks from the game but when I saw low players on Mrgreen Race Server I came up with an idea on organize my first event here called now ''Polish Paradise Meeting'' and it was big success as you wrote in your review anyway thanks for accurate analysis what excatly happened by these years
  6. This event finally came to the end congratz SKC for taking first place sadly SiK canceled 3 hours before match so I was forced to organize my team from ''Polish Paradise'' I would like thanks NKC and SKC for be on match and its my message for LSR and SiK : next time if you dont planning come on match give me information a few days before match not few hours, dont waste my time, yours and second team which training especially for the game. I wanted organize in future similar events with Alpha and Vanillia maps but I dont see sense now Scoreboard : 1. Sofa King Cool 2. Speed is King 3. National Kings Crew 4. Legal Street Racers cya later on other events Final match between SKC and PP enjoy :
  7. I would like thank you NKC and SiK for came on match, I hope server wasnt annoying for you but I know we must add Carfade and fix spectators role,sadly LSR canceled match with SKC so match about grand final will fight SKC and SiK. We decide with leaders about 3 weeks break so next match will be play 20 August SKC vs SiK 20.08.2023 20 CEST See ya in next Sunday
  8. Welcome dear Mrgreen and Race Community I would like present new special event called ''Mrgreen Team Tournament'' and I Invited 4 teams SKC,SiK,LSR and NKC. Its something new here and I know it can be weird because Mrgreen never organized similar events like this but I try my best . all matches will play on ''Mrgreen Event Server (mtasa://event.mrgreengaming.com:22003)'' and all players are welcome to spectate . event starts 29 and 30 July ( its Saturday and Sunday) and rielies on trained/picked maps rule as was long time ago SKC vs LSR 30.07.2023 19 CEST NKC vs SiK 30.07.2023 20 CEST Rules: 1.All teams pick 5 maps on their match and they have send map files to organizers if they are not on main server 2.Maps can't be shorter than 1 minute or longer than 6 minutes. 3.Main Server will be Mrgreen Event Server (if it can't be realized there then the tournament will be held on another server). 4.Cheats are not allowed and will results in a ban from the event and server. 5.Modded Cars are not allowed excluding custom maps (for example Sabre Turbo Race Series). 6.During a tie teams will play one random map from the list which they picked (or more if its necessary). 7.All maps must be accepted by the organizers. 8.Team squad must be accepted by organizers. 9.In case of impersonating another person, the player will be banned from the tournament. 9.1. If the team knows about the breaking of rule 9, it will be disqualified. See ya on Mrgreen Event Server
  9. I would like thank you all players for came on Event I hope all players have fun and bring back memories from good gold times of Mrgreen Mix Server. and Ofc is prize for players which had first second and third place 1.Witchy 7,500 GC + 14 days VIP 2.[SKC]Moxing 5,000 GC + 7 days VIP 3.TheChickenButt 2,500 GC + 3 days VIP See ya next time
  10. Welcome Dear Mrgreen Community As i promise we starting in holidays with new event this time on Mrgreen Mix Server. I hope we can as long time ago fun with NTS,DD and Shooter maps, but I want know which excatly maps would see on event you can write to me here or on our Discord Server. Mrgreen Mix Event - 16.07.2023(Sunday) - 20 CEST (Central Europe Summer TIme) See ya on Event
  11. Welcome dear Mrgreen Community What can I say ? we starting with new event on Mrgreen Race Server and propably on Mix too ( but I need more time on it) but as was before so with 2 events on Race server first will as always Core Markers and few NTS maps and next after it I would organize event with part normal good old classic(alpha) maps from CC 2016 so excatly time on events 02.07.2023 Sunday Mrgreen Race Server 1.PP Meeting 20 CEST( Central Europe Summer TIme) 2. AfterParty Event 21:00 - 21:30 CEST with CC 2016 maps See ya in Sunday
  12. oh my fault I thought she/he is Marianna ok never mind
  13. propably you are ''LA TORA'' aka Marianna so I muted you for 30 days, didnt banned you as writed here, you can still play on our server. Abuello(NecroJesus) sent me proofs on your toxic behaviour , thats why gave you mute. you Insulted his close familly especially girlfriend and more badly things. people had enough your aggresive comments not only ElAbuello. I hope after penalty you will treat others in normal way
  14. I can say now on ''afterparty'' maps will from Captain Cup 2015(only 15 from the list) so if you have time then you can join and play with us
  15. I mean Core Markers and NTS is very specific gamemodes perfect for Casual players I always have fun on these maps so
  16. Welcome dear Mrgreen Community our last events were very popular, always we have on server 30+ players while PP Meetings etc so I can say its time for another tournament but with something better. I thought about organize 2 events in the same day, first will for casual players with maps like ''Core Markers'' and ''NTS'' and later with new normal maps which we added on server . I hope its good idea because its something for players which like 4fun maps and for people which love Classic/Alpha maps. This event starts 12.03.2023 in this Sunday at 20 CET( Central Europe Time) and next with normal maps 21:00 - 21:30 CET sounds like that Maps 1.Never The Same 2. Never The Same Again 3. [NTS]ABCars 4.Alenator_Always[RACE] 5. Alenator_Chemicals vol1[RACE] 6.Alenator_Chemicals vol2[RACE] 7.Alenator_Country War[RACE] 8.Alenator_Footsprints[RACE] 9.Stroth Ameno 10.Stroth Bus Simulator 11.LasBoxes 12.Markers Heaven 13.Core Markers - Doot Camp 14.Core Markers - Get Lemon 15. PolishParadise Race See ya in Sunday
  17. Hello dear Players 3 months ago was last PP Meeting and its perfect time to organize next event on Mrgreen Race server . This time I pick not only Core Markers and NTS maps but few normal maps too. PP Meeting Christmas edition starts in 18 December Sunday at 20 CET ( Central Europe TIme). I hope you are free then and come with us play and have fun in this christmas time Maps 1.Never The Same 2.Never The Same Again 3.Alenator_Always[RACE] 4.Alenator_Chemicals vol .1[RACE] 5.Alenator_Chemicals vol.2[RACE] 6.Alenator_Country War [RACE] 7.Alenator_Footsprints [RACE] 8.Stroth Bus Simulator 9.Stroth Ameno 10. LasBoxes 11. Markers Heaven 12.Core Markers - Doot Camp 13.Core Markers - Get Lemon 14. Gul Dibi bulbul dili gibi bubel dibi gibi 15. Which Witch Switched the Swiss witchrased 16. Winter Venturas 17. SF By Night 18. Wu Zi Mu See ya in Sunday Prizes 1st place: 10.000 GC + 20 days VIP 2nd place: 5.000 GC + 10 days VIP 3rd place: 3.500 GC + 5 days VIP Thanks @Sandrofor increased prizes!
  18. I would thank you all players which came on my event . I hope all players have fun with these maps, It was my fifth edition of this event which organized on mrgreen and in my opinion these five editions were big success, I am very happy that you and my team like events organized by me Sandro writed to me after PP Meeting about prize for the event and told me, he could give prize for winners but I dont have contact to him on discord and if something change etc. then I try pay prize from my pocket . GC prize is same as on last meeting Results : 1. Fonfon - 196 pts 2. sneezy - 146 pts 3.Mateoryt.8} - 136 pts 4. H@rD$tYLeRZz! - 108 pts 5. NGR|CBY - 87 pts Congratulations Dear Players
  19. Welcome dear Mrgreen Community After vacation I back to work and organize event for all players which like NTS and Core Markers maps. This time give to map pool 4 NTS and 11 Core Marker maps, I hope its good decision pick only 15 map because on last meeting players complains about time duration of this event. Here I give you all map pool which will in 4 September 20 CEST Sunday Maps 1. Never The Same 2. Never The Same Again 3. [NTS]ABCars 4.Never The Same Coaster Edition 5. Alenator Always [RACE] 6.Alenator_Chemicals vol.1 [RACE] 7. Alenator_Chemicals vol.2 [RACE] 8. Alenator Country_War [RACE] 9. Alenator_Footsprints [RACE] 10. Stroth Bus Simulator 11. Stroth Ameno 12. LasBoxes 13.Markers Heaven 14.Core Markers - Doot Camp 15. Core Markers - Get Lemon See ya in Next Sunday
  20. maybe next time bro, it will be my first tournament or event organize on MIX server so give me time maybe later when people start play this game as before
  21. Vote and give me information under my comment which tournament would you play
  22. I would like congratulate players which made a lot of points on ''PP Meeting'' . This time prize will from my pocket so contact me on discord Mateoryt#4769 1.fonfon - 5000gc 2. -T3SL4- 2500gc 3. Nostral - 1500 gc 4.Mateoryt - 750 gc 5.V4POR - 750 gc See ya on next event ^^
  23. why not, I will remember on future about it , thanks
  24. I would thanks all players which came on event but still think we can destroy server with number of players but its my dream anyway still were a lot of players as for problems which has this server. Results and awards write later. If you have any ideas or problems with event write under my comment love ya guys
  25. Welcome dear Mrgreen Community The Last three editions of my event ''Polish Paradise Meeting" were big success so as I promise this event will in next Sunday , 19.06.2022 Mrgreen Race Server 20 CEST . all players are welcome on this event, I hope we will good have fun with maps which are often playable on Mrgreen ( Never The Same and Core Markers) Event Maps 1.Never The Same 2.Never The Same Again 3.Alenator_Always[RACE] 4.Alenator_Chemicals vol .1[RACE] 5.Alenator_Chemicals vol.2[RACE] 6.Alenator_Country War [RACE] 7.Alenator_Footsprints [RACE] 8.Stroth Bus Simulator 9.Stroth Ameno 10.Core Markers - Doot Camp 11.Core Markers - Get Lemon 12. LasBoxes 13.Markers Heaven 14. Core Markers 2 15. Save_Me v2 16. Which Witch Switched the Swiss witchrased 17. Gul Dibi bulbul dili gibi bubel dibi gibi 18. $ Hide $ 19. [RACE] Markers 1 20. [RACE] Markers 2 See ya in Sunday
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