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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NickYahoo

  1. Good luck Kashaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
  2. Buena Suerte
  3. Godo luck Chaval
  5. NickYahoo .______________.
  6. we and you can fix it ^^ the best server racing
  7. Good Luck !
  8. Good luck
  9. Gameserver: Mrgreengaming Race/ Mix NickYahoo Age:18 Country of origin: Colombia Link to Steam Community profile *:....................No Minecraft name **:.................No Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hello my name is daniel felipe, I have 17 years, I live in Colombia'm currently waiting to go to college, my hobby is to be playing mrgreen 6 hours per day, I speak English. I am very active in the game, I've been playing three years, many people know me in mrgreen: DDD am respectful and when I want to have fun does not hurt anyone, PLACING ORDER IS BEST!
  10. Gameserver: MrGreenGamin Server mix Edad: 16 País de origen: Colombia Enlace a Perfil Comunidad Steam *: No Nombre Mta san andreas **: NickYahoo Mta san andreas Poco algo acerca de su auto y por qué usted piensa que está en condiciones de ser administrador: Hi my name is Daniel Felipe, my Nick is NickYahoo'm mrgreengaming Colombia, I like languages, I speak a little Brazilian and English .. my favorite hobbies is to go to the gym .. being with my friends .. and laugh a lot I want to be admin already and seen by many people .. who want to pass by other people ... as a clan ... get a fake nick are not theirs and there is no amdin at that time, then I want to help them and to help other people who need it .. mta game two years ago: D I'm good ... even warp .. admin mrgreengaming player and help him with many false and the bans: D
  11. - 55 CP - time 8:00 Aprox. - Song : Set Fire To the rain - Adele Bye. Set-fire-to-the-rain-NickYahoo.rar
  12. Upload map Prove-Your-Love-NickYahoo.rar
  13. - Map duration: ~2 min 10 sec - And other - 14 Check Points RACE-I-NICKYAHOO.rar Bye
  14. ke you know you names ... ke made ​​me really angry that your .. I was telling you to remove the nick ue Fox-Trool NOT YOURS YOU ARE NOT fox Understand you not to place a nick that is not yours .. that hate and second insulted me when I told you to take the nick YWA there is the problem not put fake Eseté care gets nicks from other clans .. I'm helping that
  15. Valeu
  16. Gameserver: MrGreenGamin Server Edad: 16 País de origen: Colombia Enlace a Perfil Comunidad Steam *: No Nombre Mta san andreas **: NickYahoo Mta san andreas Poco algo acerca de su auto y por qué usted piensa que está en condiciones de ser administrador: Hi my name is Daniel Felipe, my Nick is NickYahoo'm mrgreengaming Colombia, I like languages, I speak a little Brazilian and English .. my favorite hobbies is to go to the gym .. being with my friends .. and laugh a lot I want to be admin already and seen by many people .. who want to pass by other people ... as a clan ... get a fake nick are not theirs and there is no amdin at that time, then I want to help them and to help other people who need it .. mta game two years ago: D I'm good ... even warp .. admin mrgreengaming player and help him with many false and the bans: D
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