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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ratchetstrike

  1. 1:a giant taco that shits icecream 2:A nerd with glasses on (they wont dare hit him with glasses on) 3:a spermcell the size of a human 4:Hitler (incase things get out of hand) 5:Megan Fox (for the main reason is that i get to bang her after) (QUOTE) 5. Behemont from IW - Not explaining. haha you just want the behemoth so you can eat his meat! after hes drunk in the bar
  2. Heres meh cba to take a new one cause i gotta bluetooth it to my other phone and then upload it onto my pc and stuff XD this ones about 2month old
  4. On the ps2 Call of duty finest hour, IT CANNOT BE RIVALED BY ANY OTHER CALL OF DUTY RAWR!! On the ps1 Ape Escape, it was a frigging epic game! and i loved finding new equipment on it! on the pc Garrysmod World Of Warcraft (when u get to level 80 its boring so i quit ) Anarchy Online (i remember playing this and theres a rather embarrising story behind it XD, well when i first got my pc, the first proper game i played was anarchy, so anyway i let my dad search for Direct x into my google bar... BIG MISTAKE all i heard was him going "WHATS THIS? grand theft auto sex cheats!, anal! i was like CRAP! so yeah XD , also there updating there graphics from like 2001 graphics to HD )
  5. Ok this should work mayco Mayco Tga Mayco VTF The Tga works but its very hard to get rid of the white in the letters of the text you have so i've replaced the text with a standard font style
  6. well then i have done it for you! and retained ur transparent background Click here to download maycospray.vtf had to upload it onto my index cause ITS NOT A VALID ATTACHMENT RAWR i've also had to resize it to 256x256

  8. You cant embedded codes onto this forum XD, i think the forum has to have plugins installed like the youtube one it currently has
  9. I think i brought up the warghoul thing in-game saying that there shud be warghoul/overdrive
  10. and that is why i made it
  11. ! and yeah it is notte and i think 4gb of storage for free is a good deal! but i can only upload 8mb files at a time RAWR
  12. I think flash websites look cool so i've decided to make one which can be foundHere took me damn ages to change the template in FLASH MX but i finally did on that page it also has a link to my html website called ryanx.co.nr i made these two because there better than the one i used to use called www.tacdealers.co.nr
  13. oooooooo goody a thread for sprays XD, this is mine because ever since i heard the song its awesome
  14. I always do that stuff XD it's jsut a way of letting the rage out you know, but that's as ar as it goes. Gl;HF ^^ !
  15. HOW VERY DARE YOU call it a windows mac! XD here is proof it is xp that best not be my windows serial i see there
  16. Yeah its windows 7 skin, with apple bar and vista sidebar i also have this MWUHAHAHHA heres one of my videos for this page
  17. I love these kind of things ! here you go windows xp professional AND ITS PIMPED!!!!!!!!! DANG IT! Notte had my idea !!!!!!!!!!
  18. Color Coded For Easy Reading General Information. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ | Gameserver: Mr. Green GMod #2 | INFECTED WARS | LEFT4GREEN.COM | Age: 15 | Country of origin: England | Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989501345/home | Link to Xfire profile **: http://zhtw.xfire.com/profile/ratchetclan4/ | Do you have a Microphone?: yes a Headset |________________________________________________________________________________________________ Little something about your self: My name is Ratchetstrike, Ryan In real life but i perfer to be called ratchet i have been on infected wars for quite some time, dating back from before the update that reset all the achievements and stuff i used to have Deus Ex Machinca and i was 70 babies off the 500 one, i also had some other achievements, Currently now the only server i go on is Infected Wars Its the funnest , And It kills me to see 0 players on when i wake up at 7-10am,lol Why Should You Be Admin?: I think that i should be admin, because i know general rules of servers like when someone is hacking,abusing,exploting,glitching,griefing, And know the appropriate boundrys for ban times, For example : if a person kept griefing it would be a kick, then a 1-2hour ban (depends on whats been said) if they re-offend I have a sense of humour, and sometimes will type a swear word when i die,Usually just the F word but you gotta admit its tempting!, (I think toaster would equally agree with me on that one as i have seen him do it!) the best thing is when you kill a person as stalker who accidently walks into a crate or box, and actually "Laugh Out Loud" at there misfortune, poor people How many hours can you play?: Well On School days about 6-7hours, and on weekends about 10-14hours (7-10am till 11pm) (IM A HARDCORE GAMER!!!!) Will You be active on the Forums,Xfire, ect?: I will Make the forums auto load when i run firefox so there always open, and try to check them everday if possible, Xfire is set to run and login at startup so if you ever need me on that its always there PC specs (Do you lag or not?): My current graphic card is a geforce 9800 gt super, and i have 4gb of ram (i believe one stick is faulty because i have bsodded quite alot, so i will check that sometime), my processor is a amd athlon 64x2 dual core 5200+ 2.70ghz not really the best of processors but it gets the job done i use a wireless network card in the back of my pc, which never ever disconnects me from the internet, (it OWNS!) so Yeah if i disconnect its proberly because my gmod has decided to close on me XD ____________________________________________________ That pretty much sums up my application, I've played with toaster a few times so he best reply here XD, I have not seen you on the server yet though Clavus ____________________________________________________ Oh yeah also this might be handy highest ive got is 107wpm with 1 word wrong http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1783/typingtestr.jpg
  19. Twice i have stayed with toaster on a map and not taken any damage apart from shield damage, on my experimental and i have not gotten the achievement
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