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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by bbgun18

  1. Hi, I'm bbgun18 and I used to love this server. Back in 1.2 there were 100 + people on it at any given time and it was AMAZING. due to the lack of activity from the better factions I've stopped. However I'd start again, and I'm sure a lot of others would too. ex. Mirgeaux, RedGander, Kodauer, XxFlowmonstaxX, Cikks,Greenhillslave, Voltage... anyway. I was just wondering if its possible to replicate the player amount and great experience that we used to have... Thanks BB
  2. he means that other admins are on. but vanished
  3. Yeah... that's unrealistic. Even for an xrayer
  4. Personally, I lost 2 god bicks (eff V, fortune III, Unbreak III and silk touch I, eff IV, unbreak III) A lot of people lot work on their bases. I was wondering how this would be compensated because it was really annoying and unfortunate. I know that it wasn't under admin control but a lot of players lost a good amount of time invested in this server. No proof... but I still think something should be done...
  5. Can't you just reset the nether? This map is still pretty new
  6. It just reset 3 weeks- 1 month ago.
  7. Yeah, It's one of a kind xD
  8. I'm hearing rumors that the map is restarting for 1.5 and I thought this was odd because it just restarted. Is this true?
  9. alright thanks
  10. Its not so much about playing with Americans. It's just, there's no one on when I'm usually on, and its become a bit boring. No one to raid xD
  11. thanks
  12. Hi admins, is there anyway that you could advertise to an American community as well. I, as well as many others who aren't from Europe, have begun to get bored with the server because of the lack of activity when we are usually on. I was just wondering. Thanks, BB
  13. Flow he's just like you
  14. Oh, and I forgot to mention, the mark was through obby, but ok thanks for your help
  15. Is it in anyway possible, for someone to mark through a wall with this plugin? Someone did it to me. I'm just making sure it was legitimate.
  16. You yesterday btw ur in my faction lololol. I modded
  17. 1. Name of the person (Cikks) 2. What server: Minecraft Faction Wars He was spamming. Although it was inappropriate he didn't mean any harm. There were also only about 5 players online at the time. Hopefully he can be unbanned
  18. yeah without potions and enchants ur just hitting each other with powerful sticks. As long as you don't spam potions, there is strategy involved.
  19. alright thanks mathjis!
  20. thanks
  21. Yeah, thanks. Mathjis did it already. hopefully it doesn't happen again.
  22. Hi could an admin remove the giant lava tower on my base. I know who did it but seeing as I have no proof it doesn't matter. Anyway. that'd be great, thanks.
  23. It's hosted on an outside server. Clavus can up the slots as much as he wants
  24. tons more posts than mine ... kod i think ur getting this. I hope you do
  25. Kodauer Redgander and I were fighting with the new map rules. It worked GREAT! (videos soon to come) It will improve the server an amazing amount
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