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Mr. Green Gaming

The real freeman

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  1. It's me STEAM_0:1:16927564
  2. Happy days, time to fuck you kids up again.
  3. Please no
  4. It's working fine for me? And I've not heard anyone else complain about it being 'broken'... considering these allegations are being made by people who either :- A) Haven't played for months (Mog being the exception as he was on the other day) B ) Hated what ZS was like before with the constant updates being made and thus, being stuck in the past which is hypocritical as these same people are telling us to quote on quote 'quit living in the past'. Play the server for a few hours or days, then start bitching rather than band wagoning.
  5. Don't like it? Don't play
  6. Mate, go to quack gaming and see the 'Weedmesh' boss. He just fires big ass balls of poisons gas which explodes and deals damage.
  7. I agree cheese.
  8. Like it
  9. Nice app dude. Good luck.
  10. Is ZS3 that really shitty gamemode where nobody plays as zombies as they're all AI controlled with those retarded spawn points?
  11. So are we going to incorporate ZS 3 as well? Also did you keep 'Fridge of doom?" Love that map
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