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Mr. Green Gaming

The real freeman

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Everything posted by The real freeman

  1. Happy days, time to fuck you kids up again.
  2. It's working fine for me? And I've not heard anyone else complain about it being 'broken'... considering these allegations are being made by people who either :- A) Haven't played for months (Mog being the exception as he was on the other day) B ) Hated what ZS was like before with the constant updates being made and thus, being stuck in the past which is hypocritical as these same people are telling us to quote on quote 'quit living in the past'. Play the server for a few hours or days, then start bitching rather than band wagoning.
  3. Mate, go to quack gaming and see the 'Weedmesh' boss. He just fires big ass balls of poisons gas which explodes and deals damage.
  4. Is ZS3 that really shitty gamemode where nobody plays as zombies as they're all AI controlled with those retarded spawn points?
  5. So are we going to incorporate ZS 3 as well? Also did you keep 'Fridge of doom?" Love that map
  6. I've always been interested in making maps but can never a good tutorial for hammer.
  7. Do we have any objective based maps? Or is that more of a gamemode addition to the script?
  8. Gameserver: Zombie Survival Age: 18 Country of origin: Britain Link to Steam Community profile *http://steamcommunity.com/id/AzCoe/ Minecraft name **: Don't play Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: 18 year old gamer, been playing games for the PC since I was like 6/7. Dad was a massive fan of gaming so it didn't take me long to be introduced to gaming too. I pretty much play anything, from Gmod rp, Zombie survival (Both Gmod and ZPS), to MMO's, FPS's etc. Take your pick really. Through my gaming 'career' I've accumulated several positions of authority within communities, my most recent being Taco n Banana roleplay administrator. Having experience with administration isn't so much a required thing to have, but I find it helps out when attempting gain administration within another community. I love playing on the ZS server, ever since I began playing the gamemode back in +[sP]+ (For those of you who don't know what +[sP]+ stands for its "Stoned Potatoes". Once I joined here I found myself experiencing ZS in a completely different style and really enjoyed the twist that had been made to the server. Ranks, bosses, new zombies etc was a really nice thing to see implemented into the server. I've been playing the server since last year, about November time I think is when I first joined the server and have always played for massive amounts of time before taking a break to play elsewhere and then come back and enjoy the game once again. I've met some pretty cool people whilst playing, people such as Duby, Robbert, Dr N.C Psycho (also known as Hear Me Coming), Reiska, Puff, Gheii-Ben, Box, Damien and more. The playerbase itself is generally nice, although their are several instances where I'm playing and their are those who enjoy spoiling the game for everyone which is rather annoying for myself and others in the server. Sadly I don't have any administrators on my friendlists and they're never really on ZS that much which makes it rather frustrating when players are getting away with stupid shit like breaking cades, purposely pushing people with props, helping them get killed etc. If given administrator on the server I could help prevent these silly incidents from happening/quell the stupidity before it gets completely out of hand and spoils the game for everyone else. I don't think I need to explain in detail if I were to be chosen for administrator that I wouldn't abuse my powers etc, I wouldn't bother applying if I did. I know how to admin, thats all that needs to be said really. Anyway, thanks for reading and see you all in server. -Freeman
  9. Surely a community of this stature would have some rules in place to prevent said issues from happening? Seems rather silly, even when he went out of his way to kill others. It's the same when playing and players purposely block others out. Why bother playing if you're just going to purposely mess the game for everyone?
  10. It's not the maps fault, its the player messing around. That's like saying it's a guns fault for shooting someone, not the person pulling the trigger.
  11. Hey there. My name is 'The real freeman' and I've been at the community for some time now. Moments ago I was playing (still playing) on the zombie survival server on Gmod on the map 'lost isle'. The map contains a crane, a place where most of the players venture to for survival. Shadota was fortunate enough to get to the crane first, and him being him decided it would be a good idea to not make a barricade, but instead kill as many players with the containers as possible and then throw the containers away into the water so we couldn't make any for of barricade. http://tinypic.com/r/11v1u6x/6 Shadota in the crane http://tinypic.com/r/2rm5cgy/6 Shadota moving the containers http://tinypic.com/r/210ddfd/6 Shadota moving the containers again after killing like 3 people. http://tinypic.com/r/yz7kz/6 Shadota attempting to kill me after I proposed making a ban request http://tinypic.com/r/34rizxw/6 And again http://tinypic.com/r/2m28hgg/6 And again! He then went on and tried to justify that it's not against the rules to screw up a cade and kill humans with the crane. http://tinypic.com/r/2eyzuqu/6 http://tinypic.com/r/t816r4/6 Personally I have no issue with Shadota, but when he's been on playing in the server his attitude towards certain people starts to get really shit and quite frankly disgusts me. I think he needs to learn that he can't do whatever he likes, breaking the rules and then thinks he can get away with it.
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