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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. oh, misclick. Somehow clicked on this thread thinking was other more fresh. Happens
  2. Mr. Darkness

    plz delete

    You could write a bit more about yourself and why you want to be an admin. Other than that, good luck!
  3. Permament = forever. The next time you play a game, borrow some smart brains from someone before insulting admins. Have a nice day.
  4. Isn't up to Clavus, He =/= Notch. + you can't just ask for everything in terms of stuff like spawners or diamonds.
  5. She took it.
  6. Tee hee.
  7. Yeah the beggining is always boring . Gets much better further on.
  8. There are tons of trailers for WoW So people, anyone wanna join?
  9. You could say that about every online game.
  10. Right. So I gave a try to this MMORPG 2 days ago. I love the concept. Really epicly done! If you like the genre of anime with giant swords, magic and such you might like this. So, why the heck am I making this thread? Come play people! The game is really fun. Has a lot in it, and most impotantly, it's long! I personally have started with it 2 days ago as I mentioned earlier and am really curious to try out a lot. Let me introduce it a little: Classes: As all MMORPG, this one has classes. 5 Classes: Archer Swordsman Thief Mage Acolyte So what are these? Archer - Wields a bow and uses all possible skills with it. It's actually the hardest class in the game but has neat abilities. And yet works as a great support if in a party. Can slow down, stun, etc. Swordsman - Wields a sword/greatsword with some epic abilities, buffs. Wears heavy armor that protects him from many treats. Technically a powerful hero, even if melee, he's an ideal buffer and tank in a team. Thief - Wields a dagger, wears light armor. His attack speed is really quick. At high levels (25; 50) reaches neat ranks like Assasin. I don't know his abilities, however. I only know that he has some buffs. Mage - A ranged hero that can wield a staff. He uses elemental magic. Fire, storm, ice and others. Wears light armor (cloth, basically). Acolyte - This is what every team needs. An acolyte is a mage who wields a mace and uses healing spells to keep his team alive. He himself isn't that powerful as mage nor swordsman (something in between) but can keep himself and the rest of the players alive with his spells. Wears light armor, something like Archer does. So... you just keep leveling and unlocking given amount of spells? Not only. When you level, you have goals to reach. For example, if you reach lvl 25 you may change your rank from, say, Archer to Ranger. Or from Ranger to Beastmaster on Lvl 50. The levels are long to gain, the best way to accomplish them is to complete quests, however. Other than that, when you create your character, you are also given the option to select his job. He can either be a cook, blacksmith, clother or alchemist. Every of these jobs has good stuff. For example, a swordsman can be a blacksmith and craft weapons and armor for himself or for selling! All he needs is resources and learning how to craft every of these items. Same stands for clother. However, instead of digging rocks like blacksmith, he gets fur off animals/other monsters and uses it to create armor. Alchemists collect plants and other ingredients and use those to create potions. Potions are like #1 what's mostly aimed for by everyone. Most players who are alone and play non-party prefer to buy potions of buffs or for keeping themselves alive. That's why potions are commonly sold to everyone. Cooks now use ingredients that they collect off animals or anywhere else to make food. Food gives buffs like potions or heals the player while he stands still and isn't attacked by anyone. Every time you make something with your job, you get experience. You have 2 different exp systems. 1 - You level up as a hero and 2 - You level up your job which allows you to learn more crafting recipes and create more powerful weapons/potions/armor/food, etc. And yet there are dozens of quests, especially "Khara quests" that you can challange to get a reward, mostly sound like "Reach lvl 20" (and you get some Khara points for it). Khara points are used for accepting different challanges. Those challanges give you a specific amount of job xp/money/titles. Titles give you attributes when you equip them. They also appear near you name once you do so. Finally, there are cards. Cards are thingies like Titles but instead they have images of a creature, they represent a monster you got it from (the drops are quite rare, sometimes, however, you may get 5 in a row). Depending on the monster's level, the cards also have better attributes with each level. ========================================================================================== Now, I probably won't be able to talk about everything, about the entire game, so I'll skip to the last thing I wanted from you guys: People, come play! Let's make a party and maybe even a guild! This will be really fun to play, I assure you C:. The game is free, check it out! (The trailer is weird, I can agree with that) http://store.steampowered.com/app/231060/?snr=1_7_15__13 P.S: Trailers are really weird, yeah. The 1st vid is more or less epic, tho.
  11. That feeling... When you're bored and make a new steam acc just to play Dota 2 against noobs. /emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D">

    1. Sneed


      Called Smurfing

  12. You misunderstand. It's not about maturity only. It's about their activity and how well do the members of Mr. Green community know them. TopCrew can't just be like "Oh hey this guy's mature, let's make him an admin." There is Admin Application for that for who wants to be an admin and who doesn't (the 2nd does fit here though ugh ugh). That's why it also takes a while for TC to accept someone. And then, imagine 80% of all these folks being admins. It's not that easy as you think.
  13. How do you think deleting the 30% of all maps out of 1300+ is even possible?
  14. A new map appears whenever there is an Update for MC.
  15. Could you return the regular flashlight until you completely finish with it? Right now the flashlight is kinda annoying rather than scary + with the zap sound that sound dull. At least make slender illuminate so he can scare without a flashlight. P.S: Fix AFK killer. I died when I spawned.
  16. The new flashlight thing is weird. It goes out of charge in an instant and there are no ways to get your flashlight on cooldown or whatever. I suggest: 1) Make a flashlight icon that shows how much charge the flashlight has (Yes, it will drain for long time, it's not like flashlights run out of battery in 30 secs after they are turned on) so you can turn it off to let it recharge. 2) Make it so you have to search for batteries on specified locations (batteries can be picked by different people on the same battery spots). When the player is out of battery he either waits for a long time till his battery recharges or just finds new ones. 3) Change brightness of the flashlight whenever it gets low so players know when to let it recharge. In darkness it's not even scary. You don't see shit and die not even seing shit. You might make slender illuminate (like in The Haunt: The real Slender game) so it's more scary in that case. Don't place the pages on the trees. Just don't. Took me 10 min to find a page at cargo area which was at a tree. I passed by this tree many times and the page was simply invisible because it was the same color as the tree. The zap sound when flashlight turns off is shit. Also, don't place pages like that. Just don't, I'll even post a screenshot. Avoid white areas as much as possible. Remove that page from there, srsly. PS: Slender vision is bugged - the players appear as black 'n white and when they die their boddies disappear (does the body disappearing have to be like this?).
  17. STOP POSTING HERE, THE TOPIC HAS BEEN FINISHED ON THE PART WHERE CLAVUS BANS FICKER Stop posting. This has to be the last post in this topic, enough.
  18. It's "kak pozjivajesh", how many times do I have to repeat it?
  19. There should also be a help menu. Oh also. Whenever a player opens help menu/map selection/results screen he gets this music (credit to krmfpc, talked to him, nice guy): https://soundcloud.com/krmfpc/new-location-theme-for-haunt-1. Unless he's alive he won't hear the music. Also, help menu: Stop_it_slender_helpmenu.psd
  20. Here is an idea: At the end of a round every player will see a "results screen" with "Status" which sais who won, "Victims" how many humans died this round. On the other side of the results screen it will say who is going to be the next slender, how many victims this person has and their avatar. Next map: Before the map change, players can select which map to play (3 options) and the screenshots provided with map options. The name of the map written next to the screenshot and the vote count. Finally, both pages can be closed. When the screen appears, this music plays: https://soundcloud.com/krmfpc/new-location-theme-for-haunt-1?in=krmfpc/sets/haunt-game Something what I've done: 1 - Results empty blank 2 - Next map blank (example) 3 - Results blank (example) White background is invisible in PSD. I'll also provide 3 psd files so you can make your own stuff. Stop_it_slender_nextmap.psd Stop_it_slender_overlay.psd Stop_it_slender_results.psd
  21. Haha. Also, can't wait till Ywa will become a man.
  22. Please keep in mind to post with a specified format and appropriate title: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/2741-read-this-before-posting/
  23. First Image 1st Line: Well bad they are pieces of trash 2nd Line: Peruvian Gays 3rd Line: Black Stupid 4th Line: Meme of Shit Azteca indio (He says to me) 5th Line :Gay Peruvian you suck Second Image 1st Line: Bye Peruvians Trash They will be traumatized Read this before replying next time: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/2263-read-this-before-replying/ Good luck.
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