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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. Not to be breaking rules or anything, I think all the ID stuff should be provided personally to admins in a PM or Steam.
  2. Well, it's being called like that, even though it is not. It's much more fun in terms for action. Many colors, epic lights and also has wiring just as MC (even tho mc has more variation of wiring). And yet, there still are a lot of potions. 1 of them replaces "X-Ray" of minecraft. Really cool game, shame there aren't many various things, thing like Faction wars or smth.
  3. Yieap. There is going to be an update, dunno if it's going to be soon enough tho. Also I made that golden castle alone
  4. Not even gonna post my connection, it's too fucked up. Mobistar is a terrible internet company.
  5. Right. My Terraria day started with "Jackpot!" with finding loads of gold ores, especially the ones in a pile (picture #1). While I was mining I met Tim (wizard skeleton) and took his fancy wizard hat. So I mined 6 stacks of gold ore and put like 4 of it into the construction of the castle (I also mined gold which I made into golden bricks right after I mined it all before I put all the ore in the chest) (Picture #2) And finally I finished the castle's geometry (Picture #3-5) What ya guys think? EDIT: Most of the rooms are empty. You ppl could come and fill it with your krap
  6. When I used to play ZM on CSS, this map was OK but for a ZS map it's a no-no.
  7. Hey, I decided to make this topic and see if someone still plays Terraria sometimes. So dudes, what have you been doing in Terraria recently? Made new houses? Fought some huge hard mode bosses? Mined 2 stacks of gold all in 1 pile? Got a Legendary Night's Edge? Made a dick out of blocks? Share your screenshots or videos. Perhaps even videos with friends! Now, since I started this topic, I already have stuff to share with . Make sure you post your shite too! Expecting good stuff Screenshots: #1,2 - My house with flickering lights #3 - Wizard's Tower #4 - DN-Reznov's nest #5 - DN-Reznov's recipe farm #6 - Sky Golden Castle takes a long time to make at least a little (WIP)
  8. Just hug each other at once and be cool. Is this so hard to do? Jeez, this world has so many conflicts. God, what did you turn this world into. Bloody world.
  9. Fucking that. Now go on and remake ZS how it is said above.
  10. Meh, why did you have to bump this thread. I actually found the link, how it actually was those days: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=18193 Just to point it out .
  11. Nevermind.
  12. Good ass lick luck!
  13. Times change. And ZS won't come back to the state as it used to be. The past days ZS was fun indeed without all the waves and crap. Now it's more complicated: ZS has a system, not just arsenal upgrade for every 3 kills. Just deal with it, Lame. I'm still relying on Deluvas to make something fun out of it.
  14. I take it that you do agree with this statement. This statement is contrary to Matthijs' statement that abuse doesn't exist. Therefore, you disagree with Matthijs. Well done agreeing with yourself by quoting yourself, idiot. I'd personally say that you minecraft kids should calm your balls down and suit with the admin you have. You keep saying that he spawned stuff for PVP. He didn't because it's technically impossible while pvp. If he does fly around in the sea and spam his invisibility potions, how's that abusive? He doesn't affect any PVP battles. If he does come to your base and fly around to see it, that isn't abuse. He doesn't use his powers to make anything with it. He just flies around. Like a bird. Never seen birds? If he does come to your base and keep spamming healing potions at you, but it doesn't affect you at all, how's that a PVP advantage? If he just flies through the map like a bird, hows that abusing? Shut the fuck up and have a nice day.
  15. I watched Zetsuen no Tempest. Man, that's a one awesome anime. I enjoyed it, was nice. Glad that I watched it. Gotta see for myself what else could I see. The last 2 ones were really enjoyable.
  16. He did, then Necro took over. Now Necro has stopped because he wants to work on darkest days and Deluvas is now back in control of ZS. I am happy that he's back actually. IMO he implemented more cool stuff than Necro did, altho necro made this spawn menu which is also nice. Dunno.
  17. I deserve to be banned for double post. Not sure which one of those I watched. All I.can tell for sure is that there were 8 episodes. Watched these. Are they OVA? P.s HTC is such a penis when it comes to typing on forums.
  18. Thanks mate, I'll give those a try.
  19. I'm thinking of watching Zetsuen no Tempest. Tell me if anyone of you guys watched it. Also, can you recommend something what is like Black Rock shooter? I mean which is Action and Drama, Sci-fy.
  20. So I watched Black*Rock Shooter today. I gotta say it's really awesome. Not just how it was drawn. There's big sense put into it. Really liked this anime!
  21. Will you add options to spend your GC? If yes, just please add buyable custom models, hats, bodywearing etc. Just don't add any upgrades, just to make it fair. Will you increase the player count, advertise the server on other webs so we could possibly have more members? Is there going to be a certain map filter, map voting system, different gamemode systems (a.k.a objectives perhaps?), music for the game? That's it for now.
  22. Nice bump. Also DotA came before LoL and other shit like that. It's a custom map for Warcraft III and Frozen throne any way. Don't see how it's a ripoff of Warcraft.
  23. Mr. Darkness


    Yes, you ask dumb questions. You seem to not even know what DDoS is.
  24. No, shut up.
  25. If he spammed TNT to destroy the base or shit like that then you could call that abuse. He didn't. So calm down, nothing is wrong with it.
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