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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by /////AMG

  1. Thanks for creating such an amazing community, really enjoyed it while it was my student times. Good luck Ywa!
  2. I also experienced this lag with him. And he really knows about it and sometimes he gets a kill after dying or wins and says thanks my lag. His ping is very unstable. Its usually around 70 and then it suddenly jumps to 300, or up to 500 for around 5 secs and he just teleports and shoots invisible rockets. Its very annoying but its like hes using it to his favour. I remember once playing a game that was like Counter Strike where some players turned off their conection for around 3 secs, and in that time they came out or behind a wall, shoot you and then go back to the hidding spot, and when the internet came back other players where killed while he was all the time hidden. I feel like Maina is doing the same because in SH for example you go past by him and after some meters you just explode...
  3. I actually like the script. I have to say it's a bit unfair for laggers to have this mode, but its what you get, instead of the lagger teleporting and pushing around the low ping players. So in the end its a balance of justice where the lagger cant take advantage of his lag and low ping players dont get messed up with laggers. PD: ghostmode still sometimes goes off making you crash to the car in front of you.
  4. I dont know but it would be nice that mods were able to mute players max 1 hour like the blocker cmd. Some turkish players have been insulting nonstop and spamming 111111111111 or similar and we cant do anything against it.
  5. Here, Im trying to use github but I cant make it, Lazy Aleks is lazy Horns.rar
  6. So when you've got installed github desktop and make a change does it automatically update to ask SDK for permision to change it?
  7. Good Luck! You deserve it
  8. and first horns are messed up too. theres a burp in the first 3 horns and 4 5 and 6 are the same too
  9. What the hell happened to some horns? they sound different and weird. for example # 108 and # 110. Why do they sound different?
  10. Just do something for teamkilling and for not pressing enter when he was already bugged. And then he asks why they try to kick him!?
  11. And by the way, is the dumper vote still in the game? It just dissapears immediately, doing no damage at all
  12. Dragon did not ram, he went to the left to take the apex, your internet is weird. Jack got rammed but hell he got lucky with a RC globin Byebye also didnt ram, its your internet IMO
  13. Quality is bad, file may be corrupted
  14. Roadrunner Meepmeep. meepmeep..mp3
  15. nvm I had colors off in settings
  16. Why is the colorcode in TAB gone?
  17. Server: MIX Map: [DD] Surface Reason: Map has huge platforms for DD and makes it hard to push people out of map
  18. Server: MIX Map: [sH] CRAZY MAP 2 !! Reason: Escape
  19. Today I joined a shooter map in CarGame mode, I joined after the map started because i was downloading and i was able to kill (Shoot), but not move, either get killed by explosions or rockets.
  20. My first map with the help of FuckLel (almost all). Hope its all ok. NTS-Fuck-AMG.zip
  21. Just add GM again. TY for moving these thread to the MTA Race subforum.
  22. Server: MIX Map: [sH] Black and White Reason: Has easy escape, so easy almost all players play ouside the map limits... Server: MIX [sH] Scatman Reason: Easy escape Server: MIX [sH] 2015 Reason: camping spots and closed places where once you get in, theres no way out. Server: MIX [sH] No Kebab map Reason: Many escapes Server: MIX [sH] Sandstorm Reason: Escape Server: MIX [sH] My Turn Reason: Map is too small and with more that 25 players things get caotic Server: MIX Map: [sH] Rooroomania Reason: Has escape. Server: mix Map: [NTS]HIPHOP made by qrew Reason: very bad map Server: MIX Map: qReW ALLAHU AKBAR Reason: Has seasparrow that allows you to escape from the map.
  23. if Car Game is going to be ever apart from SH I suggest to go on a full cicle of Gamemodes one with SH and then the next cicle go with Car Game. RTF>NTS>CTF>SH>DD>RTF>NTS>CTF>CG>RTF>NTS.... I'm already playing less in the server because theres too much SH replay and none of the other gamemodes at all..
  24. hot dog vehicle doesnt fit on that place, blocker got trolled by the server randomness
  25. LOL These americans...
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