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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by /////AMG

  1. hahahahahahaha besweet again 4th but this time in top times.
  2. Im tunning my cars these days so I feel you.
  3. Maps in MIX server that have escape or camping spots or places where you get trapped with no chance to get out. [sH] Scatman (easy escape) [sH] 2015 (camping spots and closed places where once you get in, theres no way out.) Escape may be fixed. [sH] No Kebab map (many escapes) [sH] Sandstorm (has escape) [sH] My Turn (map is way too small when theres 30 or more players in the server) Apart from those maps, the AFK mode is not working properly. Even if you are away from the PC some players even reach to get 3rd position after camping the hole map in the spawn spot. At map starts theres a lot of AFK players who can get killed by playing people meaning that they dont get killed in away status at map start.
  4. what about no! we all had to do that, deal with it We got to keep the server improving for new incoming players. Old stuff was another experience but if they can make it better it would be great
  5. SDk said that the Never The Same map doesn't have weapons enabled, its a bug caused by the NTS script.
  6. I waited maybe more than a year to get rights so just keep waiting.
  7. Be careful kali, you may get replaced lol Aleks you deserve to be admin and scripter Good luck
  8. There seems to be a bug with the trains either in race or mix server. (maybe a bug in the MTA) In mix, map called culture code gets a lot of timed players in the train part. In race there was a lot of timed out players when i got into the train in the map called the journey of andreas or something like that, its a pretty long map. So heres the reason of the report of the map culture code why its listed here by cena.
  9. It was a one time thing. Today we played it and nothing happened (apart from the, once you get out of the rails theres no coming back to them...
  10. 20 min to skip this.... Server: MIX Map: [RTF] Naturex + - Infernus controllation Reason: no GM and only 1 spawn. Imposible to play
  11. WTF aleks xD I would correct. WTF Borz
  12. Seems like now its working fine but I see it wasnt only me. There was a few days back, like a week or so that i couldnt get repaired. BTW the internet connection was fine, with stable ping.
  13. Killing the flag carriers by standing in the other base... And some random Stuff
  14. BLUE BLUE BLUE. Can I have someones answer that is really interested in fixing this? Kali, SDK?
  15. Hello! Im having issues with the perk. I cant get repaired while burning "in blue".
  16. WTF sunflower seeds are very popular in spain too. Gold giveme your direction, ill send a pack
  17. Server: MIX Map: [NTS] Flutuar Reason: Viinis map, has a road above another road, was fixed many times but still a bad map. You cant even go fast on a bike because as soon as you lean foward de bike gets stuck in the road.
  18. Server: MIX Map: [DD] Permanent. Reason: Huge fps drop that kills you at start, horrible map and terrible road.
  19. spinned out, and blocked his path once, and then he started insulting me for the next 10 min.
  20. I agree with DM but isnt that RTF but with a hunter in the end? Play again should be only 2 or it gets to repetitive.
  21. Thanks for moving my post to here kali also delete Server: Mix Map: [sH]Ma Nigga Ma Nigga Reason: Autorepair every 2 seconds. Map is too big which leads to campers and runners. Overplayed by turkish pleople who spam buy this map or spam the chatbox asking for someone to buy it. "buy ma nigga" "please buy ma nigga nigga" etc... Everyday I join in this map is on. Everytime I come back from being AFK, this map is on.... PD: Please pin this topic as its very useful and im unable to find it in the forum at first sight
  22. Delete NTS Frenetic by viini. Absolutley horrible and unplayable map. Just try it once and then see.
  23. Is there any option to make it a limit of playeable times on 24 hours? I'm really tired of this map too. Im usually AFK these days that I have to study and when I get my rest time I come back to play and its always the same map... Guess wich one it is... Pleaso do something. this map is causing actually to much trouble. Players asking admins to set or buy the map, NONSTOP!.A lot of campers which I usully kill when I see them, but no use...The name of the map is a bit racist in some way.Autorepair should be around 6 or 7 seconds...Map is too big causing players to run and stay away from fighting, ending up in me killing them for runners.Song is one hell of a bulls***!Just my opinion here.
  24. Ola Hola hehe
  25. +100000000000
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