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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChristinaRokker

  1. Never had a problem with this player, but recently he's began to drive backwards and hit oncoming cars! Also attempted many flag checkpoint blocks. He just seems to give up at the last cp and decides to be a silly cow! Here are 3 occasions.
  2. How did they cheat? Curious =S
  3. Another one from me! :3 NyanCat.mp3
  4. One of my favourites! Eagles - Hotel California.mp3
  5. Can't believe no one has suggested this annoying tune yet! I want this to annoy everyone! xD LetItGo.mp3
  6. Good luck Megas! I think you'll be a fine admin!
  7. I can confirm! I was marked blocker once =p (As a joke!) And when unblocker'ed, car was permanently in ghost mode. Even when passing through the GM checkpoint, the floating text message still appears, but the car was still in GM. People still drive through me as if I was still marked blocker, and leads to a car crash.
  8. b00bZzZ https://youtu.be/A1b1UQHg3w8
  9. A real gentleman this one. There are two parts to this, both of each which i think merits a ban. First, he drives in the wrong direction and head on collides with a player, wooziee. I think that's blocking with intent. Second, after he was granted the [bLOCKER] status, he then comes from behind me, and loses control of his own car, and thinks I rammed him. I never rammed him. He then gets very annoyed, and he insults the Parisian victims of recent terrorism actions in France, and thinks I shall die the same way. I don't let personal attacks on me bother me, but when you're talking about the misfortune of lost lives in Paris, respect should be honoured. Witnesses are: wooziee and Megaz. But here's a video of evidence. https://youtu.be/4FLR1PyjICU And here's the log which follows after the video(irrelevant lines were removed), which made him kick off.
  10. I never mentioned in any of my posts that anyone be banned. Take it with a pinch of salt, that who you see in the video is a dirty racer. More awareness for others, rather than wanting them banned.
  11. I didn't mention anything about getting people banned. It's simply a rant thread, and let's other players be aware of who to be careful for while racing. It makes me and others more careful of trying to overtake STR8CASH, cos he will ram me and make me lose my position.
  12. I forgot how to embed youtube videos in the forum again, how is it done?
  13. Have a larger view of surroundings! I like that
  14. I'm from UK actually, and my ping is < 30. But I agree with you, because of lag, people don't appear where they really are. I agree with you! I may have overlooked that clip. Stroth never seemed to be the type who does dirty racing. Plus I like all your maps! So, please ignore Stroth's clip everyone =p People encourage me to do this all the time! But really, I'm not fussed about it. I just like to race and have fun. Plus Jack123 is there all the time! He can do the policing work =D
  15. A short video on the rammers of Mr Green which I recorded recently. I know it's not illegal to ram, but it does hurt the game! Some of these people might be playful, intentional or having a laugh. Nevertheless, you be the judge! https://youtu.be/KxiWk_UmAEE
  16. PIKACHU! One of my older pjs
  17. http://www.twitch.tv/christinarokker
  18. Besweeet you need a skin to better represent yourself! =p
  19. I have played one round or two on MTA =p GTA5 looks really gorgeous! A video on what people might be missing! https://youtu.be/EMSfuM8BGC8
  20. Last video in the series season. Had a lot of fun and cool moments. Not abandoning the series, but it will continue later on. Still playing, and recording, but I'll be taking a pause on publishing. Here is the last in the series, and also contains some nice moments in the past, after the newest set of clips.
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