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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xDutch_First

  1. 1. MC Username : xDutch_First 2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? : I will do my best gathering stuff for spawn 3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? (see below) : Ofcourse i do :') 4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? (ie. Be active, don't be toxic) : Yes, I will play so much as i can! 5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? : Building stuff, gathering things en do a lot more!
  2. Yes, I don't even play but i'm pretty sad now . It was one of the funniest server i've played on..
  3. Yeah, I have Advanced Warfare
  4. I don't even play mc anymore, just sometimes... You can find me on the ps3 (xDutch_First).
  5. There is not a server again like this.. g'l with the other server Ywa running it.
  6. Not enough people to let the server stay? there played like 30+ people.. before almost no one. The server is finally starting again and then it's closing.. It is sad to see this i like the server even i don't play that much mc anymore..
  7. Well, Red don't do much anymore. but Balmung could search for them not like robbi and the others they can't do much, All what they can do is building and ban hackers..
  8. Well, If you can get a good developer with many experience. he can make it maybe
  9. Yeah , also the command blocker in PvP! why should they be added if everything is gonna change?
  10. I like League of Legends and i wanna learn some more You can also record Call Of Duty , Medal Of Honor And Battlefield?
  11. There are 3 restarts on a day if i'm right without giving a message.. So you will teleport to the lobby.. I think you mean that? it gives a bit of confusion maybe Balmung can make messages for it..
  12. We'll see whats going to happen without factions, I also like building so i might play sometimes! Goodluck with changing the server.
  13. xDutch_First

    End problems

    « Crew Ywa: ... » Staph talking about things what never willen happen.. I know you want the end. but just wait for the inactive "Factions" it will be automaticly disbanned.
  14. I am not sure if you still can change it, but somewhere in the options in essentials. there is something like you can't hit someone for a few seconds.
  15. Use the ip: server.minecraft.nl
  16. Probably the plugin isn't ready for 1.8..
  17. Hey, I have some suggestions for mrgreen.. 1. I think it's a lot better if the server have got a.f.k. kick. I think it's better because it will reduce the lag & Crying people. 2. Maybe a cooldown timer on the command /suicide, you can spam with it. It's not a big problem but it can irritate people. 3. The server will restart automaticly if the server is at low TPS. I hope you guys like the suggestions.
  18. quitted minecraft, it was nice to meet you all. I hope i will see you guys once again

  19. Redgander i think you can change the anticheat or nocheat+ by setting the speed a little bit higher, in the confiq file.
  20. 1: I got it too. 2: It was before too in 1.5 3: It is against pot spammers 4: Think it's minecraft's problem to fix this, not the server.
  21. I think its a kind of a bug.
  22. I also remember in 1.5 it was 50/50 On most times, and when 1.6 came out everyone was gone. Clavus made 4 players per faction.
  23. Kodauer/Redgander can fix it, if they have the plugin.
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