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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cena

  1. First ClanWar of this tournament: CnT vs FaP: Cenation: Flo: 5+2+1+3+3 points Stig: 3+1+5+5+5 points Witcher: 5+4+3+1 points Cena: 3+5 points Sandro: 3+5+5+4 points Total: 71 points ______________________________________ FaP: LeTearDuGemeaux: 1+1+1+2 points Rest of team: 0 points Total: 5 points
  2. Its 2,500 GCs. I took it as well just now.
  3. @mr.reese
  4. I am already speaking with Natsu
  5. Lol, I will replace them then.
  6. Cena


    Yes we do have them already in Trello, but we can't do a lot of things at the same time sadly. KaliBwoy is doing his best to do everything in a time. About your idea, it is also nice feature I like it, but I will need to speak with KaliBwoy or Mihoje (depends on who will code it).
  7. Cena


    Is it something like winning streak? Or something like daily/weekly missions (objectives)? Or something like for each map it is saved who have won that map the most times?
  8. Flo always betray nothing new xD
  9. My WEREWOLF!! I just got it yesterday from a golden egg
  10. Thanks for the positive things, appreciated! Thanks goes to the developer team not only me. They did the hard work. Regarding the negative points. 1- We do not have enough suggestions from race admins or race players. Most of our admins are mix players as well and mix players are more helpful with their support, they tell us what they want. Race players mostly are quiet, which makes it more challenging for us to know what they want. 2- I also did ask Race players several times what would they want for VIP. I got literally no answers, so nothing again I could do. Again same as the the 1st point. Race players are just quiet and not helpful enough. 3- The amount of players did decrease a little, but it have been increased again after some time. I assume players were just taking a break. Even if they weren't taking a break and really left, then its something I can't help, but as I said, it have been increased! 4- VIP didn't replace Music player, we are going to upload new global music player which will be much better than the old one. Kali have went into a holiday and mainly everything stopped during his vacation. 5- I know clans needs more updates, the clan roles and clan bank account is on our list. You can check our Trello to see what we are working on and what we have on our list to work on in the (near) future. I hope I made things clear for you. Thanks for your time pointing Positive and Negative things out. We will work on improving ourselves! Also remember we don't have that huge amount of developers and they have their own life too to spend, so their time is really appreciated into improving this community!
  11. Clan War group stage will start at August 2nd. We will be have 3 clan wars a day! I will post the schedule already!! ALL TIMES ARE IN 12 HOURS FORMAT. Just click on the time to convert to your local time!! August 2nd Friday FaP vs CnT at 6:00 AoS vs Genesis at 8:00 (Add 2 hours to previous time) KoM vs TH at 10:00 (Add another 2 hours) Same times goes for the rest of the clan wars days. _____________________________ August 3rd Saturday TH vs FaP at 6:00 CnT vs AoS at 8:00 Genesis vs KoM at 10:00 _____________________________ August 4th Sunday FaP vs AoS at 6:00 CnT vs KoM at 8:00 TH vs Genesis at 10:00 _____________________________ August 9th Friday FaP vs Genesis at 6:00 CnT vs TH at 8:00 AoS vs KoM at 10:00 ____________________________ August 10th Saturday TH vs AoS at 6:00 KoM vs FaP at 8:00 Genesis vs CnT at 10:00 If you found a typo I have, please let me know! Groups that will register. You have extra fees of GCs (2,500 per player now). Also you would be doing more than 1 clan war per day against others.
  12. I will upload a short video I took soon as well (unedited) I
  13. First day of clanwar will take place on August the 2nd. Exact time will be announced soon. Also if you know a clan who is interested into joining this clanwar, please let them know, the player fees are 2,500 GCs for being late. (For clans registering from now on till 31 July) Only 5 main players per clan each time will play, if 1 or more from the 5 main players couldn't come, the substitute can take over.
  14. Yep, you drive in any of them? Check that topic out:
  15. There are few new DLCs in ATS. The map is much bigger now, a lot more cities and lots more. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1015160/American_Truck_Simulator__Washington/?curator_clanid=9084219 https://store.steampowered.com/app/800370/American_Truck_Simulator__Oregon/?curator_clanid=9084219 Check the full list of DLC here: https://store.steampowered.com/dlc/270880/American_Truck_Simulator/#browse
  16. It have been sooo long so we did an official convoy or even be active, but according to discord we have players who would like to drive together. Are you guys interested into meeting in Groningen, Netherlands at 8:00 PM (20:00) 19 July? If yes, then perfect I will see who's coming there!! To make this more interesting. Players who are coming, are getting 1 week of free VIP
  17. Send me forum account names for each one of them in Discord or Forum PM. (If Discord you can find me by searching for Cena#1101)
  18. pekipeki nab
  19. Shhh let them
  20. I only wanted to edit it and add (paid 2,000 GCs) next to the name but its fine all good
  21. Ugh why you gotta make it hard on me to edit the list....
  22. If you have a problem with the server, and you don't like it. You can simply leave and never come back. If you still want to be around. Then be nice and we will help you, we don't work for you.
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