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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Valhalla

  • Birthday 12/31/1866

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  1. Just unban me and I will never type a message on that chat or PM. I will ignore you all and I will play without problems. I play just for fun.
  2. So ? Those 3 messages contain insults ? I don't think so. And Ryuu that was years ago, you're right.
  3. 1. |unskilled| 2. 16/07/2016 3. Mr Green both servers 4. Jack123 5. He didn't write the reason, but I think is just an abuse of admin power, I only wrote 3 or 4 PMs where I told him to shut up and play and leave me alone, just tell him to take some screenshots, I hadn't time to do that. After that he muted me for 2 days and because I was angry I changed my nickname into FuckYourMomJack, then he banned me on my serial. I think that is just too much. 6. I like to play on Mr Green server because I have fun, but I don't like to be insulted or provoked especially by admins without reason. Just ignore me and all will be fine. I'm sorry if I offend him in some way, but I think serial ban is too much for what I did. I'm waiting for your answer. 8. IP adress: - MTA serial: B9B0AA715B70FD29A7B63AB382C5C7F3
  4. 1. EddiePwnsYou & GUSSI1704 (same person) 2. MrGreen MIX server 3. He repeatedly insulted me on private messages
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