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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Sky

    smash or pass?

  2. Sky

    smash or pass?

    Look at the last comment with a pic, then pick smash or pass, write it down and post ur own nude.
  3. Sure, make a big bubble of a few mistakes, that's how it always goes
  4. Your anomalies are pretty dumb lol I give up
  5. Haters make this community entertaining xD
  6. That's not how it is lol, more like i'm willing to come back to the bank and give some money xD Not surprised that people have a negative image on me since I'm too pro
  7. I moved to Denmark, seemed fair to put that as it is. Yes, I might have abused one or two times, but I've served for 1,5+ years so that speaks for itself xD
  8. Who needs steam when yer a pirate, yarr
  9. holy shit i forgot that bind xD Gotta make it a thing again... Do you believe it's gonna be 5 years old soon? xD
  10. Good luck, my dude <3
  11. Hello! Yes, I was a moderator before, but then I had too much stuff going on in my life so I had to quit playing MTA in the summer. I admit, I quit the server in a dumb and unreasonable way, I was just at that point of giving up back then. having played for 4 years non-stop (kinda fell on me). Now, though, I feel like I have the energy to play daily again and go back into keeping the server on track. Gameserver: MrGreen MIX, sometimes RACE. Age: 18 Country of origin: Denmark Link to Steam Community profile *: no sir Discord name **: Sky#5730 Ingame name: Sky Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: As I mentioned before, I have been a moderator for 1,5 years before, so I surely have experience. Ever since coming back I felt that a big part of me was still feeling responsible for the wellness of the server, and yes, bringing up the same point i made 2 years ago - there are rule evasions in the server made by other players and there is no staff to take action on them at the time when I'm online. I use moderator commands mainly to get rid of campers, because that is the most common issue. The second most common issue is spammers and targeted insults, so I take care of those too. Other than that, I feel like with my presence people didn't really feel like evading the ground rules, since I have earned a certain level of reputation and they had the common sense that I was going to take action on them if they don't comply. I constantly put out warning messages in the chat that any campers or runners will be punished, as well as give personal warnings if needed. I'm also active on the Discord server. I listen to the people in the server, even if it might not seem like i pay attention. I always keep a close eye on the chat and the overall atmosphere in the server, since I am very observant. I'd love to get back into keeping the server clean of abuse, bringing more fun in the player experience. If the time comes when I feel like I can do more, I have future ambitions for an administrator application. Thanks for your attention! ~ Peace out ~
  12. your dad is a fine man
  13. woops, edited
  14. Sky


    I should get banned for haxing
  15. nem: ski mep: [SH] Wanted
  16. It was an overall useful command to have, cinematic shots are a must for trailers though, unless you wanna make it look amateur xD
  17. too bad /freecam got removed, can't really produce a decent looking trailer lol
  18. Offering free positions in my sex dungeon. Only 3 vacancies available.

    1. race


      Aluna, Startseva. and Christina??

    2. Maher


      Remember el major why forget him

  19. We need cinematic shots for the trailer.
  20. Looks like nobody is going nowhere with this trailer, just another usual abandoned project with some pretty good potential lol
  21. 2014 isn't a great example ;D I can do fancier shit nowadays
  22. some public data sharing center, like google onedrive or dropbox
  23. Also make a place for people to submit their clips, so you can make montages 'n stuff
  24. Allright, send me the clips that you want to be in the trailer, i will make one. As an experienced editor i can do shit like that lmao, all up to you if you want me to help
  25. This guy is down to earth and honest, give him that admin role.
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