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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Alenator

  1. Alenator_Project T [CTF] Alenator_Voodoo [CTF] Alenator_PayBack [RACE] Alenator_Albatraoz [sH] EDM Series: ​​please reupload them, i fixed something about music​ NEW!!! EDM - Part 4 ctf-project-t.rar ctf-voodoo.rar race-payback.rar sh-albatraoz.rar race-edm.rar race-edm-2.rar race-edm-3.rar race-edm-4.rar
  2. Thank You MADKILLER Thank You Cena Thank You Megas Thank You Crash SkyBlue: ye, you can even do if you are not an admin, but if you are an admin, players have more confindence to you.
  3. Server: Race Map: Hotdog vs Mr. Whoope Reason: everyone get very low FPS
  4. EDM Series: i can not get them smaller, actually they are not very too big. just for 0.3MB and 0.6MB. Anyway, please upload them. -EDM - Part 1 -EDM - Part 2 -EDM - Part 3 [RACE] 3 Years Of Mr. Green: has been deleted REASON: bugged Puma- Markers. I fixed Puma-Markers and please reupload it, if you can. Need For Speed: ​Alenator [NFS] race-edm.rar race-edm-2.rar race-edm-3.rar race-need-for-speed.rar race-3-years-of-Mr-Green.rar
  5. Gameserver: MTA San Andreas Mr. Green Race/Mix Age: 14 Country of origin: Slovenia Link to Steam Community profile *: - Minecraft name **: - Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: My ingame name is Alenator and real name Alen. I am playing Mr. Green Race/Mix 3 years (17.5.2012 - 17.5.2015). I know a lot of players, admins and maps. I want to be an admin, because I want to help to players (specially to new players), learn them racing, making maps and something new. I am working on my English and on racing to getting better and better. I never blocked or killed anyone, because blocking and killing without reason is disrespectful for me. I am usually on server 12:00-18:00 (GMT +02:00). If I become an admin, I promise that I will be more respectful, helpful and more communicative to players. YOU DECIDE
  6. Server: Race Map: Pachanga_Oval Reason: Just add GhostMode DO NOT DELETE IT
  7. Good Luck Edo! DOBRODOŠAO NAZAD :mr-green:
  8. Server: Race Map: Never The Same Reason: Please TURN OFF VEHICLEWEAPON, because players kill us with Rhino, RC Baron and Predator. DO NOT DELETE IT, JUST FIX THIS Rhino #1.wmv Rhino #2.wmv
  9. [RACE] 3 Years Of Mr. Green: smaller Death Race V3: smaller Alenator_Deja Vu [RACE-DM]: i don't know what is wrong. Please get me reason next time race-3-years-of-Mr-Green.rar race-death-race-v3.rar race-deja-vu.rar
  10. /\ | | | | | | Please check [RACE] 3 Years Of Mr.Green and Death Race V3 Alenator_Deja Vu [RACE-DM] race-deja-vu.rar
  11. Server: Race Map: 12Track Reason: this map serously needs gm (ghostmode).
  12. Good Luck pro driver, fair player, (my friend). :mr-green:
  13. I came up with the idea, if Mr. Green had clan? We can make topic for clan "Clan Applications". RULES FOR TOPIC: -Age: (ex. 29) -Country Of Origin: (ex. england) -Ingame Name: (ex. Terminator) -Previous Or Current Clans: (ex. =FoX=, SiK) -Languages and assess your English 1-10: (ex. Slovenian, English. I asses my English 7) -Computer Specs: (CPU, Memory, Video Card) -Why will you be a good addition to Mr. Green: (ex. I think I would make a good addition to Mr. Green, because I have a lot of experinences, I'm so helpful and friendly to other players.) -Video Of Your Racing In Our Server: PLAYERS NAME INGAME : Be like Mr. <playername> (ex. Mr. Alenator) Newbie members: Mr-n: <playername> (ex. Mr-n. Alenator) Real member: Mr. <playername> (ex. Mr. Alenator) Admins of any servers: Mr. <playername> (ex. Mr. Alenator) TopCrew: Mr. <playername> (ex. Mr. Alenator) Managers: Mr. <playername> (ex. Mr. Alenator) Greens: Mr. <playername> (ex. Mr. Alenator) COLORS FOR NAMES: Newbie, Real Members R: 0 G: 255 B: 0 Alpha: 255 ADMINS OF ANY SERVER R: 0 G: 255 B: 255 Alpha: 255 TopCrew R: 255 G: 0 B: 0 Alpha: 255 Managers R: 128 G: 0 B: 255 Alpha: 255 Greens R: 0 G: 153 B: 0 Alpha: 255 I just suggested my idea and you can update it or decline it. I would ask, if you can keep our stats in order they won't reset, because I have a lot of wins, checkpoints, traveled distance ... JUST IF YOU CAN
  14. 3 Years Of Playing Mr. Green 17.5.2012 - 17.5.2015

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. neox.



    3. HeArTBeaT



      well maybe some people do...but who cares :))))

    4. Cena
  15. [RACE] 3 Years Of Mr. Green Death Race V3 race-3-years-of-Mr-Green.rar race-death-race-v3.rar
  16. Hi I need help with caption. How to create caption like in [sH] Ma Nigga Ma Nigga map. MA NIGGA MA NIGGA it shows when in song said "ma nigga ma nigga". Please, answer me who know. I'LL BE VERY GRATEFUL. Alenator
  17. This is not first time when I saw you block other players, but I saw you 10 times and more I think. And you blocked me once I think.
  18. NAME OF THE PERSON WHO SHOULD BE BANNED: {HBeaT}:Sp3c94 WHAT SERVER: MTA RACE/MIX REASON WHY HE/SHE SHOULD BE BANNED: because he killed and block a lot of players with Dumper in NTS (Mix Server) sorry for video, because it's quiet big (20MB) Movie.wmv
  19. /\ || || || Please, check DD and RTF.
  20. Repairs Added Fixed! race-together.rar
  21. All maps Fixed! dd-ten-feet-tall.rar race-together.rar rtf-tear-the-roof-up.rar
  22. Band/Singer: Example Album: Live Life Living Released: 7 July 2014 Country: England Genre Tags: POP, Hip-Hop Tracklist: - Example - Next Year - Example - Kids Again - Example - One More Day (Stay With Me) - Example - 10 Million People - Example - Only Human - Example - Seen You - Example - Can't Face The World Alone - Example - Live Life Living - Example - All The Wrong Places - Example - Take Me As I Am - Example - At Night - Example - Longest Goodbye - Example - New Friends - Example - Full Eclipse - Example - One Last Breath - Example - Innocent Minds - Example - All The Wrong Places (Calyx & Teebee Remix) - Example - Kids Again (MOTi Remix) - Example - Kids Again (Dimension Remix) - Example - Kids Again (Zed Bias Remix) - Example - Kids Again Critikal Miami Sunrise Remix) - Example - All The Wrong Places (Quintino Remix)
  23. Server: Race Map: Elite Reason: Terrible map and there's not any fence and you fall in water at every corner.
  24. Good Luck Megas :mr-green: I see you every day on server and you're long logged.
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