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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Hi all pls check out this screenshots... sik arstek always block me in race server and mix server ..today i take screenshots and warn him dont block me i report u he said i like it....pls admins bann him he laugh at me when i said i report u see in screen chat thanks kalra_saab
  2. I'm not ugly goldy .. I'm handsome anyways the truth is if someone rammed me I rammed him thats it. I never started raming from my side..
  3. Hi all.. Today I was surffing mrgreen forum and I saw a topic kalra saab block me again and the topic creator is as always same warhero ...warhero and eatbrother the real brothers only complaining about me always and fully trying to bann me...but I'm surprised coz I write in his every post they hate me and want bann me so they create this kind of topics but still admins and mods take these topic seriously and rrply in his topics is just a commonsense they only who complaining about me it means they want bann me ... so i request to all admins and mods if they create that kind of topics so pls ignore..... Kalra_saab
  4. ./lol reese i m pro rammer haters gona hate....
  5. is he talking about rammers in race server?....
  6. nice trick to make this screen shoots ............open this link and see whos on front and whos on behinde... http://i.imgur.com/qU3rLNT.png if he wants to finish this map he can coz he was on front and i m behind him but he just taking screen and he want to make topic here for bann me and moshpit for ur kind information warhero and eatmybrother are brothers in real life and they both all the time fight with me and ravi26 and they want to bann us so they create this kind off shity topics here and in mix everybody knows me ..i m just ram sometimes but never block so chill and eatmybrother and warhero keep barking.....
  7. No Goldberg since I started mta my name is kalra_saab... Crash my ping is 220-240 and urs under 100 it doesn't mean others are lagger...if I lag I will be kick coz if I lag my ping cross 320 ping limit and I kicked...so crash baba lagger etc is not ur work u just play the game n enjoy dont try be admin of server...
  8. Exactly cena I agree with u but I never block he is lied and ram ya ramed all players in nts other players ram me in nts even crash also ram to me but I never cry and make post bann them n all its childish.....
  9. everybudy knows kut kom hates me coz i m racer and always won nts so dont be childish crash grow up...... dont cry..... :blahh: :blahh: sik anton always block me and ram me...cena also some times ram in nts so i did not create post and cry to bann them......
  10. Thannks for solution sdk so I unbann? And bob I like ur opinion. ...if u have timer script .its really works..
  11. So one more post from moshpit about bug it means its server bug so pls continue this topic but first unbann inocent player that means me ......
  12. Heart now what u say about eat pic post? Other player time out bug now what will u say? Is he also time out abuse? Oh come on guys its not abuse or planned try to understand this is just bug...unban me...
  13. Heart if my kalra time out not kicked I cant relogin my accnt coz my orignal accnt not logout....oh come on guys that is not my fault I played in other servers but never timeout problem and u guys said this is my problm pls fix server issues n unbann me.....ban me for no reason....time out and nick still in server what is my fault ?????
  14. And eatmychildrn I saw ur reply to sky...u said kalra never rejoin after bug so I tell u I always rejoin after time out with other nick coz I cant use kalra nick.....and this morning when I time out with kalra nick so I joind again with new nick crf sanchit and its time out again....if I do time.out abouse for only gc so why I time out again other nick after kalra time out ?
  15. Thank u cena and all of u guys for bann me ... I were start playing 4 years ago and I never heard any timeout abouse in mta so how I can be a timeout abouse ? I live in india and indian ping around 280+ so if my ping touch on 330 I killed auto and if I killed auto and time out so my nick not kick from server when I join again with same nick crf kalra saab soits error nick already in use so I change nick and enter coz of error if m.not change nick I can't enter thats the reson and everybudy said I use abuse in the moring when admin not there so i tell u I play only morming and sometyms in night so I never planned for this anyways cena u banned me 3 days After 3 days when I come back its gona happed again coz indian ping high n auto kill time out again anyways u guys not trust me I know but I swear of my god its not abouse its time out server bug believes me.....thanks.....hope u guys understand my words sry for bad english...
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