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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Maher

  1. Quitting MTA is impossible
  2. Always flying in heaaaaaven....
  3. Dont forget about Rhino in DD, a total of trolling xd
  4. Sometimes Dumper too. (In though way like you showed how does the combine cant enter in that way)
  5. Agree with that.. But soon nitro will come saying: DeleteUltraMarathon DeleteDozer Etc
  6. Fixed already. Thanks for the all who suggested to me which to fix! @Cena close this topic
  7. Totally agree with this comment, NTS is NTS.
  8. One thing, The server sometimes lagging like 5 secs you see the players randomly teleport, Why? (Update: just tested playing 1 hour and the older issue comesback, still needs a fix imo) I can get in game normally but have the issue as i said
  9. Thanks. Its working like normal. Thanks very much Ywa!!
  10. Thanks cockerinho
  11. I will check soon today as i return home from work, I'm from Israel
  12. Went testing connecting other servers Its normal but with MrGreen is diffrent so i still getting multiple network trouble and etc.. Can't play the server.
  13. Everyone makes faults and they learn of it, It is right and Sky apologised doing those unfair punishments and as i see he is fit again without any doubt as a EX Moderator and he deserves it
  14. Maybe combine harvester too xD
  15. Agree with this comment +1
  16. It's kinda annoying so hope they fix it soonly
  17. Sometimes goes more than often so yeah Just keep playing and you'll see
  18. Agree. Sometimes you can't jump in SH or even shooting Even in NTS lagging hardly and CTF bugged for not getting GC etc
  19. it has been 2 hours (which since i joined today) Yesterday was the same but less lagging
  20. Just noticed that the server is lagging a lots and everyone saying it, So i came here to report that and hope a Manager/Admin can fix that. I think restarting the server would solve it or the problem is at @Ywa's Network or what?
  21. his pj is so wow
  22. @Noam
  23. I see. Thanks!
  24. So when does this topic close? In 1 hour maybe?
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