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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Maher

  1. No. Thats a race player named as Outland.
  2. Gaming does not end. You can play any game in your life, i still play many kinds of games in my XboxOne for example: fifa18. Goodluck in your life
  3. k 69 bitch mode ON
  4. Maher


    true hax0r doesn't even get banned so rip
  5. I agree. Like if their anyone's their main language is for example: Arabic Bind Key to talk in that mode : (arabic) bind K /languagetalk <language> say So we can not see turkish spam anymore. Yep we shall talk only english in server only which is against the rules when someone uses another language, I cant mute someone if he does not talk english, So if he/she goes more than often i do a mute and add a warn to him/her TalkEnglishOnly So hope it helps and figure how to make a private rooms for peoples who speal thier main language..
  6. I will try to come in late time for example between 3PM - 5PM night so i can feel the rarity
  7. That's too rare when only 1 user in this forum lol
  8. Maher


    Hey guys. Do not comment useless stuff. Also @Ka4a.Ru just wait till a (race) Admin sees this report And we'll see if this block is clear. In my opinion you shall add more screenshots to make it clear: example 3 screenshots or a video. @Bierbuikje @Santiii733 @jack123
  9. noobs be like Is this a trusted site?????
  10. I do not see you playing after SDK disabled the ddtestvote
  11. [SH] Big Fucking Maddness Sure i will come. Ingame name: KoM|Maher
  12. @SkyNET is the map manager so maybe he can help this topic
  13. +
  14. Maher

    Login Problem.

    After this, Login in server Press F6 > Login But remember to activate GreenCoins
  15. Maher

    pls help

    After this, Login in server Press F6 > Login But remember to activate GreenCoins
  16. Sure who did not do it while in mod/admin role
  17. A moment of silence most of admins done it haha
  18. Everyday i do mute 0.1 secs, is that even hard for you?
  19. I always knew that way before mate, Goodluck if you gotta help
  20. @Sky.meh is a great example for putting montages for MrGreen Youtube channel, He is very good.
  21. @Cena @r0cK
  22. Up to Admins.. Sadly i still a moderator
  23. OK it's clear. Agree with that topic I'd give to that dude 6 hours block, tottaly 100% block.
  24. The fuck you can't handle 10 seconds mute?
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