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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Maher

  1. lmao manunited suck hard xDD

  2. We got patience
  3. All smartphones fault xD
  4. I guess @Bierbuikje, not sure. Some of the stuff said that the horn is too loud and gets used for more than often, so what, it's a +18 game so we can use it and etc you know the rules when they say +18 So.. my suggestion the horn shall COME BACK or hope for a refund
  5. Hope there will be a refund for who have bought the horn
  6. Yeah i bought it too.. as i remember its horn 359 i guess
  7. You shall read the news of the server in Forums, But it's all OK. Now you know
  8. Somehow? Weird i'll test it out soon I will try this as soon as i join today to play, Thanks!
  9. Goodluck! We got the patience
  10. Why 45? What does it do, Is it better in MTA physics or what
  11. The problem is solved already i think If no it's your internet perhaps I had the problem same as you also
  12. Hahahah after all those years i still hearing it everyday, seriously xD
  13. How about Kurlyk? Russian song.
  14. The moment when u did a 360 noscope in a monster and tottaly rekted me.....
  15. Here work.. but whatever would come
  16. Hope i will go for it this time!
  17. 9 days left for 3 amazing days incoming, Don't forget to put the 3 maps during the 3 days that you wish to play it!
  18. Day by day.. things get busy.. 

    One word: Future

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maher


      Its all OK guys, Just wanted to share ^_^

    3. Maher


      Hmmm, That's intresting. 

      Cancer, Yep i may get it in the future because my hearing machines effects me too much which its full of electricity, multiple shocks, etc :)

      Who knows it may happen

  19. Edited somthing a bit important for this topic
  20. Mega jump bike > Press P (Admin Panel) > Put Coach/Bus > Congratlutions you stucked yourself here (When i saw the photo, i was like fuck her right in the pussy )
  21. Sure will watch this video when i have time soon
  22. Thanks! gib money pls
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