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Mr. Green Gaming


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Auriz- last won the day on March 9 2024

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  1. Is it possible to implement something like " If X last maps = NTS, vote = (Only SH, DD)" or something similar? This would prevent abusing only one game mode, while still letting majority to decide for the most part. Or if possible, enable cycle once X amount of players join, since when it's 2-4 players active on the server, SH or DD can be quite boring.
  2. I don't have any targets
  3. Game: MTA Server: Mr.Greengaming.com RACE MIX Age: 25 Country of origin: Lithuania Link to Steam Community profile *: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198203635287/ Discord name **: Auriz In-game name: CnT|Auriz Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I am a 25 year old guy who had a fair chance in life to live/work in different countries and finally got back to my home country Lithuania to work as a Quality Control chemist/analyst. The one constant in life was always MTA, and more specifically - mix server of Mr.Green (since 2014). Even though I haven't played here consistently in the past years, the past half a year I've been active for the most days in the server and I've realized that I also want to help keeping the server playable and contribute to the community of my childhood nostalgia game. In general, I think I am a reasonable choice for the position, since I base all my decisions on logic and rationale rather than feelings. Moreover, I like good arguments and flexibility in any disagreements. Thanks for the consideration and I wish you all a good day.
  4. Another SH map with music. Next won't be SH sh-Angel-Pine-pro-story.zip
  5. Please, someone check this
  6. Good luck my little pussy, BoyKa (pizda)
  7. It is my first map, I decided to create simple and good map without so many objects. This map has AutoRepair after 7 seconds script and it is with music. It is shooter map. I hope you will add it. sh-Simple-like-2x2.zip
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