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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by sweetsandy

  1. Oh believe me I didn't come to mix to personify with anybody since I take most of you as noobs with goal to only have fun and nothing else, there's a reason I used quotation marks because I find that fap shit overused and not funny at all.. Oh and btw ctf is my second favourite mode and I'm against deleting it. One more thing, my mix entrance was a total random, my 11 year old cousin visited me from the other side of the country, he happened to like mix more over racing (wonder why) and I started to enjoying some of it too.
  2. All of you fap noobs hate shooter because it's the only mode that requires actual skills..badping is full of shit saying CTF gets played again cuz since I started playing on mix it was replayed literally once and everybody was like 'wtfap'.
  3. You didn't answer my question you just stated the obvious thing, why are you acting stupid?
  4. Apparently i do, since maina was neither blocking nor being racist, and you still punished him like he did so.. my question still stands, maybe from some higher rank staff?
  5. I just came across this topic and as much as i can understand the mute (¿1 week?)...why blocker mode? Not that i care cause it's not my business, but i'm curious about your policy so i know what behaviour to avoid to no get such punishment, thanks
  6. so many legends in the video.. 9/10
  7. Lmao I like this guy! stop being so serious it's just a game, he doesn't know u in person so if that really hurts your feelings just ignore him. Sensitive ass pussies..
  8. I always laugh when i read grander's longer posts
  9. arguing with you is an insult to other people's intelligence for starters
  10. Lmao STR8KASH literally misunderstands every fucking reply..
  11. Well he is an annoying little shit but I do enjoy embarrassing him in front of other players so that's kinda entertaining..nonetheless my vote is yes.
  12. I may be wrong, but you only set someone on fire when you slightly miss the target.. when the shot is clear you automatically kill the opponent. This auto repair makes you train and practice your aim so i think it's all good.
  13. It's good news..for team bier!
  14. people insult each other with swears all the time on the chat and all of you got offended by 'asshole' this is hilarious, i called out Cena and the guy has his friends answer for him, he must be as sensitive as those pubes on his chin. Okay then, consider me educated.
  15. What is that you have against me that you muted me for 2 days for calling you an asshole? Or it's because all mix admins are so sensitive?
  16. Yeah but.. I never touched you though.
  17. Hi Yoshi are you able to identify my account name or e-mail?

  18. I just want to give notice that people who voted for 2nd option are either random trolls or mix players.
  19. No shit sherlock
  20. OH you got me there. I'm ready, ban my ass PS. hilarious google translate
  21. I understand wooziee s point but it's not going anywhere.. I wanna ask you wooziee would you sacrifice all 200 pachanga maps which most people find shit just to get rid of the real shitty maps? Just curious.
  22. All this drama is so freaking useless.. The only reason a map should be deleted is when it's undriveable or full of bugs. Otherwise it's just a matter of taste. If you don't like the map just skip it.. go alt tab or take a piss or whatever.. Thanks to this topic and its idiotic reports many maps which i found great is now gone but some noob who couldn't hadle it is happy. There is just no way everyone's satisfied and all this drama leads to nowhere
  23. That's a pretty good reason to clean it up.. but still I'm gonna pass Nice room btw
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