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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by tyfusjap

  1. i can't last without Mr Green for 3 days i'll be bored out of my jap mind where do you expect me to play FFS? hahahaha k srsly now i was just stoned i did not want to be banned Mad did, you should ban him instead lol Unban me pls and do it quick not after 3 days :)

    So to make it clear i was just stoned i wasent serieus (I'm never serieus but ok) but just unban me cuz im bored as hieeeeeelll


    - [KUT] Jap 


    Remember to ban mad

  2. This would give a overview of the round in the chat on the end of every round

    This would include:


    - Who has won                Example: [KUT]Jap has won this round!

    - Most kills this round      Example:  [KUT]Jap has the most kills this round (6 kills!)

    - Most rockets fired         Example:  [KUT]Jap has fired the most rockets this round (14 rockets)


    I could not think of more at the moment  :mellow:

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