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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by tyfusjap

  1. 15 minutes ago, mr.reese said:

    it's good in this way because CG balances gamemodes. SH won't be play too much now and nts usually dont get 3 rounds so it's totally in balance now

    DD Usually gets the full 3 rounds though

  2. nobody likes it i seriously can't name 1 person

    shooter rarely gets voted to get played again anymore, i remember back in the days shooter was the most popular gamemode

    why was it even made? shooter was great as it was originally

    why don't other gamemodes have something like this?

    its only a big waste of a good round of shooter

    even myself have started voting 1 because cg is so dull

  3. 51 minutes ago, Goldberg said:

    Maybe update the system so you can make tops of it. As it is now you're playing basically for nothing, i think people would find it much more enjoyable if you could top somehow.

    Maybe a top for whoever captures the flag the quickest? idk

  4. 15 minutes ago, Bierbuikje said:

    The top 100 maps will be played this Sunday in both the mix and race server! It will start approximately at 13:00 GMT +1 and may take up to 8 hours so don't bother stay all the time. For the North and South Americans this is a time where they usually are in bed so maybe it will be started again in the evening around 23:00 GMT +1, but that's not sure yet.

    Voting will be closed somewhere tomorrow and the event will take around 8 hours for race and 5 hours for mix.


  5. hi

    wouldn't it be nice to have like a separate top menu for Cargame like who wins the map the quickest will get top 1 second  quickest top 2 etc.... 

    maybe this way people will bother to play shooter more instead of only 1 round

    cause lets be honest tops make it alot more fun and its a good reason because everyone wants to get the best times on a map.

    and i believe that there are no tops people see barely any reason to play it other than the gc.

    gc + tops = nice



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