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Mr. Green Gaming


Server Admins
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Everything posted by tyfusjap

  1. Wonderful, just when i'll be returning from Paris.
  2. I'll bounce back. I won't let you finish above me. I'm gonna do everything in my power to fight my laggy pc And then ultimately finish top 7
  3. Dear Mr. Cena, Did a wall street banker possess your body? Greetings, Jap
  4. Well this will be the first ever CL Final i'll miss. And school ain't no problem for me cause i've already got summer break... 3 months of utter shitty boredom.
  5. How long will this take? All clan have to fight each other right?
  6. Yo goyim i've got 1000 shekels ready for you. Which i earned through increasing life saving medicine prices.

    - Schlomo Shekelstein

    1. Cena


      Cool xD


  7. I'm in. And the active members are: Mercury, Chicken, Dub and me. Idk about R0ck if he's active or not. I even saw Interface online yesterday.
  8. @Goldberg As the best clan on mix. We've got to participate or else we'll be seen as faggots like the french in WW2. Hail KoM!
  9. Delete all mege jump shooters reason: because i said so
  10. [SH] Eye of the storm If you spawn on the bottom level, its impossible to go to the upper level. People on the upper level can easily camp.
  11. This looks more like sweden nowadays
  12. tyfusjap

    Admin applly !!

    Wanting attention and feeling important is human nature
  13. Thanks everyone Bruh you're acting like i cannot handle any responsibility a 16 year old can easily handle a staff position. There are 13 year olds in the ghetto that are selling crack to adults for crying out loud lmao
  14. Gameserver: Mix Age: 16 Country of origin: The Netherlands Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082493319 Discord name **: Jap Ingame name: Jap Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hi i'm Eric i've been playing on mix for almost 3 years (with a year long break) i was once the founder of the amazing KUT CLAN Mr.Green is really the only server i play on Multi Theft Auto. My hobby's are playing guitar, sometimes making EDM and im also considering starting to play the drums. I love all genres of music except wannabe poser conformist pop music. But i mostly listen to Metal thanks too @Goldberg and @Grizzly my favourite band at the moment is Windir R.I.P Valfar Why would i be a good moderator?: Because i'm pretty active on the server i usually play atleast 2 hours per day on the week days and 2-4 hours per day on the weekends. I'm very unbiased i hate nobody and ill be killing all dem campers and runners within a flash. And ill be muting all those spammers. -Japan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. dat top differnce


    1. Maher


      I think you have luck v2

  16. Jap Map 1: [SH] Never the same Map 2: [SH]No Kebab Map
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